
Your answer in a word that repeats its half

جوابك في لفظ تكرر نصفه

1. Your answer in a word that repeats its half
And most of it descends on the high earth

١. جوابُك في لفظ تكرّر نصفهُ
وأكثرهُ في شاهق الأرض ينزلُ

2. And your saying in their dwellings half of their description
Thus with half the description completes

٢. وقولك في سُكناهُمُ نصفُ وصفهم
كذلك في نصف به الوصفُ يكملُ

3. And in its half two names, consistency and its opposite
For one who is not oblivious of my state and yours

٣. وفي نصفه اسمان طرداً وعكسهُ
لمن ليس عن حالي وحالك يغفلُ

4. And in the palm trees the opposite of the strength of their hearts is found
With the inclusion in that half if you understand

٤. وفي النّخل يُلفى عكسُ قُوت قُلوبهم
مع الضّمّ في ذا النصف إن كنت تعقلُ