
O you who has attained the highest rank of perfection,

يا من رقى بكماله درج العلى

1. O you who has attained the highest rank of perfection,
And whose praises fill the ears,

١. يا من رقى بكماله درج العلى
وتشنفت بثنائه الأسماع

2. And who occupies a place above the ether,
All glories are beneath you.

٢. ومن الذي فوق الأثير محله
كلّ المعالي دونه أوضاع

3. Poetry has become obedient in praising you,
However much I want, and meters comply.

٣. وغدا القريض مطاوعا في مدحه
مهما أردت وتطبع الأسجاع

4. You who has acquired every virtue,
And therefore, consensus has converged upon you.

٤. هو من غدا حاو لكل فضيلة
ولذا عليه قد انطوى الاجماع

5. The virtuous in all virtues,
Are guided by you, and are your followers.

٥. إن الأفاضل في الفضائل كلها
بك مقتدون وكلهم أتباع

6. So the servant seeks closeness to you, for his distance,
And because he is anxious from the days of his life.

٦. فالعبد يبغي القرب منك لبعده
ولأنه من دهره مرتاع

7. And I saw the lightning flashes from you, they have not ceased
To bring near to him the rain of hope and aspirations.

٧. ورأي بُروق الرعد منك لم تزل
تُدني له غيث الرّجا أطماع

8. So allow that promise, as long as
The days are obedient to you, and you are obeyed.

٨. فاسمح بذاك الوعد لا زالت لك
الأيامُ طائعة وأنت مُطاعٌ

9. O you whose eloquent words adorn,
Precious pearls in souls that are sold.

٩. يا من يرصع من جواهر لفظه
درا نفيسا بالنفوس يُباعُ

10. My intention is to adorn my necklace with a precious jewel,
From a poem about you, for you are the bejeweler.

١٠. قصدي إلى ترصيع عقدي جوهرا
من نظم فيك لأنك الرصاعُ