
God gave explanation to the prince in detail

لله شرح للامير موضح

1. God gave explanation to the prince in detail
He was not characterized by obscurity in hinting

١. لله شرح للامير مُوضّحٍ
لم يتّصف بصعوبة التّلويح

2. Easy to comprehend with clarity he made obvious
He excelled in facilitating and explicating

٢. سهلُ التّناوُل بالخفاء مُصرّح
قد فاق في التّسهيل والتّصريح

3. So if you need a book that makes clear
Then his book Al-Mughni saves you from explaining

٣. فإذا افتقرت الى كتاب موضّح
فكتابُهُ المغني عن التوضيح