
My eyelids were taught the lessons of love

لجفني بشرح الحب درس يقرر

1. My eyelids were taught the lessons of love
With the annotations of sickness inscribed

١. لجفني بشرح الحبّ درس يقرّرُ
عليه حواشي السّقم مني تُحرّرُ

2. And my heart borrowed the fire of passion
As my tears trickled down in distillation

٢. وللقلب من نار الفؤاد استعارة
دُمُوعي من ترشيحها تنحدّرُ

3. Tomorrow, my longing and sickness became evident
Though the agent of longing remained hidden

٣. غدا الشّوقُ من دمعي وسُقمي مُظهرا
عليّ ولكن فاعلُ الشّوق مضمر

4. And how truly I imagined solace in you
That imagination was false in its belief

٤. وكم رُمتُ صدقا من تصوّر سلوة
فيكذبُ في التّصديق ذلك التّصّوُرُ

5. My patience, its rules abrogated by the ink
Of the darkness of your glances, the last to come

٥. وصبري منسوخ الرُّسوم بناسخ
له من سواد اللّحظ وهو المؤخّرُ

6. My secret and sleep, hated to be warded off
Are permissible, recommended, while my visiting is forbidden

٦. وسرّي ونومي من كراهة صدّه
مُباحٌ ومندُوبٌ ووصلي يحظر

7. My body became vulnerable, with longing for your smile
Having manifested, though it is the essence

٧. وجسمي من شوق لمنضود ثغره
غدا عرضا لمّا بدا وهو جوهر

8. So we explicate lucidly the lexicons of al-Jawhari
The expressions of my passion in it still abound

٨. فنضدُ صحاح الجوهري منه محكمّ
عباب غرامي فيه ما زال يزخرُ

9. The extending of my tears is no shortcoming if it flows
Surely the extending of the sea is undoubtedly finite

٩. وما لمديد الدّمع قصرٌ إذا جرى
وإنّ مديد البحر لا شكّ يقصر

10. For a human, my eyes are messengers of tears
Bearing news to the one whose streams are abundant

١٠. لإنسان عيني مرسلاتُ مدامع
لها نبأ فيمن ثناياه كوثرُ

11. Whenever I intend ambiguity for my passion
Its elucidator for the ambiguous is my interpreter

١١. متى رُمتُ ابهام الهوى عن عواذلي
فكشّافُها للمبهمات مُفسّرُ

12. And it is said of me, whenever it appears
"Do you deny the light of lightning and the pouring rain?"

١٢. وبي من ما إذا نُحت يفترُّ قائلا
أتنكرُ ضوء البرق والنّوء ممطرُ

13. And I spoke no falsehood, but rather
My prior tears in the folds smoothed its course

١٣. وما افترّ عند النطق إلا وقد غدت
سوابقُ دمعي في الثّنايا تُسيّرُ

14. And if not for the combing by those folds
No passion in my heart could have been guided

١٤. ولو لا سني تلك الثنايا لما اهتدى
غرامٌ لقلبي وهو فيها مُحيّرُ

15. When I saw your allure, I said
"O you who see a pearl strewn upon a pearl!"

١٥. أقُول إذا شاهدتُ ذاك تولّها
أيا من يرى دُرّا على الدُرّ يُنثرُ

16. When my eyelids' traps were set up
To pull the planets, my mind was triumphant

١٦. إذا نُصّبت أشراكُ جفني وفرعه
لجرّ الكرى والعقل فهو المظفّرُ

17. A gazelle leading the lion tamely by its glance
Though it recoils from the leader of sleep

١٧. غزالٌ تقاد الأسدُ طوعا للحظه
على أنّهُ من قائد النّوم ينفرُ

18. Had it not been for the magic in its glance
No hearts would have been subjugated by its call

١٨. فلو لم يكن في طرفه السّحرُ ما غدت
لدعوته كلُّ القلوب تُسخّرُ

19. Even if a magician invoked the names of its glances
He would need no name by which to enchant

١٩. ولو ساحر يدعو بأسماء لحظه
لأغناهُ عن اسم به ظلّ يسحرُ

20. And whenever the eyebrow's prayer niche appeared
The most ascetic worshipper says "God is greatest"

٢٠. ومهما بدا محرابُ حاجب طرفه
يقل أزهدُ العبّاد اللهُ أكبرُ

21. Laila's night has a length from the full moon of your cheek
And the length of darkness, while the sun traverses the celestial sphere

٢١. لليلي طولٌ من عذار بخدّه
وطول الدّجى والشمس في القوس أجدرُ

22. And if that sun were matched with
The yellow of the cheek of the morning, fortune would grow

٢٢. ولو أنّ تلك الشّمس كان قرانه
بأصفر خدّ الصّبّ فالسّعدُ يكبرُ

23. So my gaze sold my heart for a glance
To the cheek's flower - my purchaser is redder

٢٣. فكيوانُ طرفي باع قلبي بنظرة
لزهرة خدّ المشتري وهو أحمرُ

24. There appeared in the margins of his cheek a mim letter
Encompassing a face whose sun shone

٢٤. بدت بحواشي خدّه لامُ كاتب
تُحيط بوجه من سنى البدر انورُ

25. So I am poor, deprived of union, while estrangement is rich
Needless of passions, and being cut off is prosperous

٢٥. فقيرُ من السّلوان والوصلُ مُعدمٌ
غنيٌّ عن الأشواق والصّدٌّ مُوسرُ

26. If he goes on to confide to me his fears of being cut off
I care not for a heart capable of estrangement

٢٦. لئن راح يُبدي لي مخاوف صدّه
ومالي من قلب على الصّدّ يقدرُ

27. For I have, most high of people, protection
And one through whom I seek refuge is not belittled

٢٧. فلي بمن استعلى الأنام حمايةٌ
ومن بعليّ يحتمي ليس يصغرُ

28. My master Abu al-Hasan the Pure of lineage
Whose glories unfold what used to be folded

٢٨. أبو الحسن الباشا الزّكيّ الّذي طوت
معاليه من كانت معاليه تُنشرُ

29. The king of all people, the breast whose glory
Is foremost among the elite of kings

٢٩. مليكُ الورى الصّدرُ الّذي ذكرُ مجده
لهُ بين أشراف الملوك تصدّرُ

30. He is the noble, valiant, distinguished king, through whom
Fortune eased all that was difficult

٣٠. هُو الملكُ الشّهمُ المهمامُ الّذي به
قضى السّعدُ في تيسير ما يتعسّرُ

31. For if he wished, the total obedience of kings
An exit for them would be mandated

٣١. فلو شاء طاعات الملوك بأسرها
لكان لهُ خرجٌ عليهم مُقرّرُ

32. And in their realms, they would stand guard for him
Taking pride in this guardianship

٣٢. وتُصبحُ في أقطارها حرسا له
وتغدُو بهاتيك الحراسة تفخرُ

33. A king, his knowledge, wisdom and intelligence
Are youthful forever and remembered

٣٣. مليكٌ له في العلم والحلم والنّدى
صبابةُ مُشتاق مدى الدّهر تُذكرُ

34. A king whose superiority, glory and help
Every king compared to his glories falls short

٣٤. مليكٌ له فضل ومجد وسؤدد
وكلُّ مليك عن معاليه يقصر

35. You see him, with a surplus of justice, commanding
Good - so excellent is he who commands with leaning

٣٥. تراه بفرط الميل للعدل آمرا
فيالك ذو عدل وبالميل يأمُرُ

36. He has chastity coupled with safeguarding
Against vulgarity in his actions and purification

٣٦. لهُ عفَةٌ مقرونةٌ بصيانة
عن الفحش في أفعاله وتطهّرُ

37. If it were divided among creatures, none would find
A believer burdened with any sin by it

٣٧. لو انقسمت بين الخلائق لم تجد
على مُسلم وزرا به يتأزّرُ

38. He has ambitions the eye has not perceived the nature of
Nor the flying eagle, if it soared

٣٨. له هممٌ لم يُدرك الطرفُ شأوها
ولا طائرُ النّسرين لو يتطيّرُ

39. His resolves are like eggs in every endeavor
No preventing fear dissuaded him

٣٩. عزائمهُ كالبيض في كلّ مطلب
ولم يُثنه من مانع عنه يُحذرُ

40. When his encampment is once struck for war
It is valid for him, a guaranteed partition

٤٠. إذا ضُربت للحرب يوما خيامُهُ
يصحُّ لهُ بالضّرب قسمٌ مُوفّرُ

41. He has firm footing in the tumult of war, forcing
The heroes of evil to recoil and retreat

٤١. لهُ وثباتٌ في وغى الحرب تنثني
ليوثُ الشّرى عن بأسها وتُؤخّرُ

42. If he calls one day for an ominous war
The eternities cower before his might from it

٤٢. إذا ما دعا للحرب يوم كريهة
كماة له من بأسها الدّهرُ يُذعرُ

43. You see every lofty lion, over a setting
Of darkness, roaring among the flames of swords

٤٣. ترى كلّ ليث طالعا فوق غارب
من الدُّهم في شُهب الأسنّة يزأرُ

44. When the meteors of his steeds course through land
You see the meteors in the celestial horizon, perplexed

٤٤. إذا ما جرت في الأرض شُهبُ جياده
ترى الشّهب في أفق العلى تتحيّرُ

45. If he ever waged war early one morning
The morn would be miserable for the threatened ones

٤٥. وإن أصبحت يوما بساحة مُنذر
يسوءُ صباحُ المنذرين ويكدرُ

46. He tread only on the corpses of foes
Picking parts that cannot be mended

٤٦. فما وطئت إلا على جُثث العدى
تُقُّ من الأعضاء ما ليس يُجبرُ

47. As if their wiping informed them, and they became
The ribs of enemy forms that he crushes

٤٧. كأنّ لها بالمسح علما وقد غدت
لأضلاع أشكال العداة تُكسّرُ

48. And the transgressors extended their necks to his land
So the confines became truncated by what he pruned

٤٨. ومدّ العدى أعناقهم لبلاده
فمقصورُ ممدود العدى منه أبترُ

49. With their center, he turned their circles, and with
Their blood, the blades of his circular swords dripped

٤٩. بمركزهم دارت دوائرهم ومن
دماهم سُيوف الدّائرات تُقطرُ

50. And every arrogant villain became like a farmer
Multiplying what is of the essence of corruption

٥٠. وكلّ ابن همّام غدا وهو حارث
لما هُو من جنس المفاسدُ مكثرُ

51. They thought the hill fort would protect their horde
Yes, preventing what they intended and plotted

٥١. وظنوا بأنّ الّقب يمنعُ جمعهم
نعم مانعٌ ممّا أرادَوا وقدّروُا

52. And they ignorantly supposed to make that burrow
Into the position of that pass, how it changed!

٥٢. وقد زعموا بالجهل أن يضعوا الهنا
بموضع ذاك النّقب وهو تغيّرُ

53. So his cavalry came upon them, as if
From the air, eagles swooping down and kites

٥٣. فوافت عليهم خيله فكأنّها
من الجوّ عقبانٌ عليهم وأنسرُ

54. Encircling them in circles, like white
Around black from the perspective of one squinting

٥٤. أحاطت بهم طُرّا إحاطة أبيض
بأسود من لحظ الرّشا وهو أحورُ

55. And they took refuge with every shelter and destination
As the unimaginable punishment befell them

٥٥. ولاذت بهم من كلّ أوب ووجهة
وحلّ بهم منهُ العذابُ المنكّرُ

56. Just as the fleeing cattle thought to be saved by their fleeing
Yet for them, in the heart, there was a refuge, influencing

٥٦. كما زعمت لمّاشُ تنجو بغربها
فكان لها في القلب غربٌ يؤثّرُ

57. And if they delved deep into the sunset
At sunrise, they would be reached and terrorized

٥٧. ولو أنّها في مغرب الشمس أوغلت
لأدركها من مطلع الشمس تنفرُ

58. Or if they took themselves as a flock for protection
Or if they fortified with an eagle wherever pardoned

٥٨. أو اتّخذت في الأرض سربا لأمنها
أو اعتقلت بالنّسر حيثُ تُعذرُ

59. Yet everything they fortified themselves with
Did not avail them, nor what they walled up

٥٩. فلم يُغن عنها كلُّ ما امتنعت به
ولم يُجد ما كانت به تتسوّرُ

60. And he won both the lands of Zab, and their swords and young men
With the decree over them no longer issuing from them

٦٠. وحاز بلاد الزّاب طُرّا وسُوفها
وحُكمهما عن إذنه راح يصدُرُ

61. They were as a valley of ants, until his army crushed them
So they fled, routed, and retreated

٦١. وكانُوا كوادي النمل حتّى حطمتهم
بجند سُليمان فولّوا وأدبرُوا

62. When his swords fell upon their paraphernalia
You saw the heads of the aggressors flung

٦٢. إذا وقعت أسيافُهُ في عُداته
رأيت رؤوس المعتدين تطيّر

63. When he raised the banners, be certain of his opening
As the sound plural is broken

٦٣. إذا رفع الأعلام فاجزم بفتحه
لما أمّ والجمع الصّحيح يُكسّرُ

64. And the banners flutter due to his flag
As he gives authority to the flutterers and grants victory

٦٤. وتخفقُ من خفق البنود لعلمهم
بتمليكه للخافقين وينصر

65. A king, time is subjugated by his conquest
So he became, despite the enemies, vanquishing them

٦٥. مليكٌ له انقاد الزّمانُ بقهره
فأصبح للأعداء بالرّغم يقهرُ

66. Trusting in God, finding refuge in Him
And his victorious troops, and he is the triumphant

٦٦. غدا واثقا بالله مُعتصما به
وعسكرُهُ المنصورُ وهو المظفّرُ

67. A king, whom good fortune hopes to see
Glancing at it one day, and observing

٦٧. مليكٌ غدت ترجُو السّعادةٌ أن ترى
يُلاحظها بالتطرف يوما وينظرُ

68. If they confine the distance of stars through observation
Their distances, no doubt, cannot be confined

٦٨. لئن حصرُوا بالرّصد بُعد كواكب
فهمّتهُ أبعادُها ليس تُحصرُ

69. When his thoughts deduce a problem
The solutions come to him, volunteering

٦٩. إذا استنتجت أفكارُهُ لقضّية
أتتهُ القاضايا بالنّتائج تبدُرُ

70. He has a logic that irrigates the branches of rhetoric
So they bear fruits of eloquence

٧٠. لهُ في سماء الفخر شُهبُ مآثر
بها يُنظمُ المدحُ البديعُ ويُنثرُ

71. I am fortunate to have a master of eloquence
Above all people, the greatest composer

٧١. يُحيّي بما توي شمائلهُ الّتي
بزهر الرُّبى منها نسيمٌ يعطّرُ

72. For him, in the principles of religion, how many intentions
Whose perspectives astound upon contemplation

٧٢. لأنّ لهُ بين ملوك مآثر
ترى الزّهر في العلياء منهنّ تزهُرُ

73. For him, in the fundamentals of jurisprudence, the compilation of compendia
My teacher says, and prides himself on it

٧٣. لهُ فرقدا فضل وفخر كلاهُما
غدا في سماء العزّ يعلو ويبهر

74. In the scale, it weighs down such that none takes precedence
Except him, while all compared to him fall short

٧٤. مليك له في الأمر حُسنُ سياسة
يُقادُ بها من كان يجفو وينفر

75. As for the linguistic sciences, he is their colleague
And every colleague is more knowledgeable than the thought

٧٥. كميّ له في الناّائبات وقائع
غذا ذكرها في كلّ طرس يُسطّرُ

76. When the unprecedented in his interpretation appeared
Every apparent interpretation by him became hidden

٧٦. هزبرٌ له كل الكماة فرائس
يُقرُّ بها من كان للشمس ينكرُ

77. Nothing circulated among people was familiar
Except after that knowledge, it became unrecognizable

٧٧. كريمٌ له في المكرُمات مآثر
بها يتحلّى المدح نظما ويُنثرُ

78. When he first penned verification
The reports circulated that the unprecedented was from him

٧٨. ومهما شياطينُ الزّنادق أفسدت
غدت بسليمان الشّياطين تُدحرُ

79. If careful observations came from him, it would scarcely
Have a source for that verb

٧٩. وإن ذكرُوا مجدا فإنّ مُحمّدا
له في العلى ذكر لمن يتدبّرُ

80. Even if exegesis reached al-Khalil, and apart from him
Seas and waves overflowing onto land

٨٠. بهم خُصّ من دُون الملوك كأنّهم
هُمُ الشّهبُ في أفق العلى وهو نيّرُ

81. He would traverse them quickly to you - and thus
No colleague in scanning the meters is renowned

٨١. مليك له في العلم أشرفُ رتبة
بها أعظمُ الأعلام بالعلم يصغرُ

82. Your knowledge concealed all those apparent in knowledge
So you are now the most knowing in knowledge

٨٢. إذا استغلق المعنى فمفتاحُ ذهنه
لهُ فيه بالإيضاح فتحٌ مُيسّرُ

83. If you were not more manifest in knowledge than them
Your knowledge would not have been mentioned as more manifest

٨٣. له منطقٌ يسقي غُصون رياضة
بيان فتغدو بالبلاغة تُثمرُ

84. You gained pride I do not pride myself in
Against anyone, but it prides itself in you

٨٤. لي السّعد عبد في البلاغة إذ غدا
له سيّدٌ دُون الأنام يُحرّرُ

85. You avoided the subject of every issue
And your mention is figuratively celestial, flowering

٨٥. له في أُصول الدّين كم من مقاصد
موقفها عند التّأمّل تبهرُ

86. You saw neglected frontiers, so they became
Fortified by your resolve, those neglected parts

٨٦. له في أُصول الفقه جمعُ جوامع
يقول محلّي الصّدرُ منهُ ويفخرُ

87. The letter kaf told of the nun's capture of its fortress
Without any hint of illness concealed

٨٧. ترجّح في الميزان أن لا مُقدّمٌ
سواهُ وكلٌّ فيه تال مُقصّرُ

88. I clothed them with an impenetrable coat of safety
Abolishing the nights without it, and shortening

٨٨. وأمّا عُلومُ النّحو فهو خليلها
وكلُّ خليل بالمخالل أخبر

89. O you scholar whose sea of knowledge
The overflowing of dew from it, seas swim!

٨٩. ولمّا تبدّى فيه مُبدع شرحه
غدا كل شرح ظاهر منه يُضمرُ

90. Its pearls from your words and hand
Are scattered for those who ask, and hearing perceives

٩٠. وما كان في ايدي الورى مُتعارفا
غدا بعد تلك المعرفات ينكّرّ

91. When destitution wades into it, it dies as one drowned
And the opulent one of its death scattered his wealth

٩١. لقد شاعت الأخبارُ عند ابتدائه
بتحقيقه والمتبدا عنه يخبر

92. When the needy beseeched you one day for attaining
He became, from the benefit of your hand, most eased

٩٢. إذا وردت منه اللّواحظ لم يكد
يكون لها من ذلك الفعل مصدر

93. I came complaining of the injustice of time, that transgressed
For you halt the days, commanding and prohibiting

٩٣. ولو بلغ الشّرحُ الخليل ودونه
بُحورٌ وأمواجٌ على البرّ تزخر

94. I paired the fortune's crescent with praising you
Perhaps the fortune's crescent gains victory thereby

٩٤. لقطّعها سبحا إليك وهكذا ال
خليل بتقطيع البحور مُشهّر

95. I made your description a cure for my time's eye
Perhaps what I hoped from you bears fruit

٩٥. علومك أخفت كلّ من كان ظاهرا
بعلم فأنت الان بالعلم أبصرُ

96. So take, my master, a string of eulogies
As if its necklaces of pearls were abundant

٩٦. فلو لم تكن في العلم أظهر منهمُ
لما جاء في التاريخ علمك أظهر

97. Its chiefs, I extracted from the sea of my thought
With my mind a diver, selective for it

٩٧. حويت فخارا لست مُفتخرا به
على أحد لكنّه بك يفخرُ

98. If the singing girls saw it, they would adorn themselves with it
And cast off what they wore as jewelry

٩٨. تحاشيت عن موضوع كلّ قضيّة
وذكرُك محمولٌ على النّجم يزهرُ

99. If the stars saw it, they would be jealous, and if
It appeared to the full moon in the darkness, it would not emerge

٩٩. رأيت ثغورا مُهملات فأصبحت
بعزمك تلك المهملاتُ تُسوّر

100. And if the standard of the full moon matched it in beauty
It would remain a crescent, its fullness humbled

١٠٠. حكى الكافُ ذات النّون في سلب حصنه
وما منها من عين داء مُستّر

101. In the tongues of the tasters, it has a sweetness
When I recite in your praise, it is reiterated

١٠١. كسوتُهما درعا من الأمن سابغا
تبيدُ اللّيالي دونه وتقصرُ

102. If it meets acceptance from you, then its drafter
Is freed from the delicacy, and he is freed

١٠٢. ألا أيّها الحبرُ الّذي بحرُ علمه
تُجاريه من فيض النّدى منهُ أبحر

103. And safe from the injustice of time and its schemes
And is elevated among the people, and remembered

١٠٣. جواهرُها من لفظه ويمينه
لسائلها والطّرس والسّمع تنثرُ

104. Whoever selects for his praise, other than your description
His palm in that praise loses

١٠٤. إذا خاض فيها الفقرُ مات غريقها
وطيّ الغنى من موته راح يُنثرُ

105. So you remain protected and supported
Your kingdom reinforced with mighty victory

١٠٥. إذا أمّك المحتاجُ يوما لنائل
غدا وهو من جدوى يمينك أيسرُ

106. The approach of Sacred Law continues shining
After your justice, and the hidden truth appears through you

١٠٦. أتيتك أشكو ضيم دهر قد اعتدى
لأنّك للأيّام تنهى وتأمُرُ

107. You remain the truest hope for those hopeful
While all of them are inundated with your abundant grace

١٠٧. قرنت هلال الحظّ منّي بمدحكم
لعلّ هلال الحظّ بالسّعد يُنصر

108. You are exalted above the kings of earth, in honor and rank
So you remain, for all time, great in honor

١٠٨. جعلت على عيني زماني وصفكم
دواء عسى أعمى زماني يُبصرُ

109. Your enemies are subdued in the lowering of their necks
While you are perfect in merit, greatest in eminence

١٠٩. زرعتُ بروض المجد نظمي لعلّ ما
زرعتُ بما أمّلته منك يُثمر

110. Peace be upon you, most fragrant at the start
For the passage of days, and musk in sealing.

١١٠. فخذ لك يا مولاي عقد مدائح
كأنّ عُقود الدّرّ منهنّ تغمرُ