1. Abdullah's servant did not protect, her pearls no longer glisten,
Nor did Ja'far, though slain in glorious battle,
١. وَلَم تَحمَ عَبدُ اللَهِ لا دَرَّ دَرُّها
عَلى خَيرِ قَتلاها وَلَم تَحمَ جَعفَرُ
2. Nor the lads of Dhubyan, led to death unresisting,
Through the wait-thicket at dawn as though goats to the slaughter.
٢. وَلَم تَحمَ أَولادُ الضَبابِ كَأَنَّما
تُساقُ بِهِم وَسطَ الصَريمَةِ أَبكُرُ
3. Your blood wherein Wolf Gorge lay soaked
Was no pool muddied for the remembered to ponder,
٣. وَدَوكُم غَضا الوادي فَلَم تَكُ دِمنَةٌ
وَلا تِرَةٌ يَسعى بِها المُتَذَكِّرُ
4. Yet, kinsmen, you allowed no respite for Time to boast
That he had robbed Hijaz of honour and defender.
٤. أَجِدَّكُمُ لَم تَمنَعوا الدَهرَ تَلعَةً
كَما مَنَعَت عُرضَ الحِجازِ مُبَشِّرُ
5. Had you begrudged me the men, you had treated me foully;
Such, alas, is the wont of the bitter cynic's slander;
٥. لَوَشكانَ ما أَعطَيتَني القَومَ عَنوَةً
هِيَ السُنَّةُ الشَنعاءُ وَالطَعنُ يَظأَرُ
6. War, not abasement, may visit a man; and the spiritless
May yet bow under humiliation's burden.
٦. لَشَتّانَ حَربٌ أَو تَبوءوا بِخِزيَةٍ
وَقَد يَقبَلُ الضَيمَ الذَليلُ المُسَيَّرُ