
Usayma wandered with her camel, stirring

طافت أسيماء بالرحال فقد

1. Usayma wandered with her camel, stirring
My imagination, bringing me unease

١. طافَت أُسَيماءُ بِالرِحالِ فَقَد
هَيَّجَ مِنّي خَيالُها طَرَبا

2. One of Ja'far's daughters in their land
Neither drew near, nor kept her distance

٢. إِحدى بَني جَعفَرٍ بِأَرضِهِم
لَم تُمسِ مِنّي نَوباً وَلا قُرُبا

3. I did not fear a highborn Yemeni
As we traversed many paths through ravines

٣. لَم أَخشَ عُلوِيَّةً يَمانِيَّةً
وَكَم قَطَعنا مِن عَرعَرٍ شُعَبا

4. We passed a valley, sorrow cloaked us
At night, and up the dunes of sandy hills

٤. جاوَزنَ فَلجاً فَالحَزنَ يُدلِج
نَ بِاللَيلِ وَمِن رَملِ عالِجٍ كُثُبا

5. After we passed autumn flowers, fatigue
O'ercame us, and the brambles and shrubs

٥. مِن بَعدِ ما جاوَزَت شَقائِقَ فَالدَه
نا وَغُلبَ الصُمّانِ وَالخُشُبا

6. The clucking of poultry warned them from the plains
And the ringing of bells - so we avoided them

٦. فَصَدَّهُم مَنطِقُ الدَجاجِ عَنِ العَه
دِ وَضَربُ الناقوسِ فَاِجتُنِبا

7. Will the land's harshness take me to her abode
Where flowers release their scent at dusk?

٧. هَل يُبلِغَنّي دِيارَها حَرَجٌ
وَجناءُ تَفري النَجاءَ وَالخَبَبا

8. As if urging her camel through the dunes
Following me with a herd of lively camels

٨. كَأَنَّها بِالغُمَيرِ مُمرِيَّةٌ
تَبعي بِكُثمانَ جُؤذَراً عَطِبا

9. She preferred the company of harlots, and
Had favored a smooth-cheeked youth

٩. قَد آثَرَت فِرقَةَ البُغاءِ وَقَد
كانَت تُراعي مُلَمَّعاً شَبَبا

10. Did you come to me, or did Sahmaj choose you
A smooth land that rambles gently up the slopes?

١٠. أَتيكَ أَم سَمحَجٌ تَخَيَّرَها
عِلجٌ تَسَرّى نَحائِصاً شُسُبا

11. So he chose one like an old waterskin - not
One to be wary or cautious of

١١. فَاِختارَ مِنها مِثلَ الخَريدَةِ لا
تَأمَنُ مِنهُ الحِذارَ وَالعَطَبا

12. Do not go to him if he comes for you
And do not approach if he draws near

١٢. فَلا تَؤولُ إِذا يَؤولُ وَلا
تَقرُبُ مِنهُ إِذا هُوَ اِقتَرَبا

13. He is like a sea bucket - its rope betrays it
And the handles cheat it of deliverance

١٣. فَهُوَ كَدَلوِ البَحريِّ أَسلَمَها ال
عَقدُ وَخانَت آذانُها الكَرَبا

14. He is like a poisoned wine cup - its maker
Saved it, denying all flaws upon its sides

١٤. فَهُوَ كَقَدحِ المَنيحِ أَحوَذَهُ القا
نِصُ يَنفي عَن مَتنِهِ العَقَبا

15. Oh, do you see lightning Battr and her daughter
Shooting sparks when the horizon darkens?

١٥. يا هَل تَرى البَرقُ بِتُّ أَرقُبُهُ
يُزجي حَبِيّاً إِذا خَبا ثَقَبا

16. I sat alone with him - and Abu Layla said
"When will he pine for me?" Such was his habit

١٦. قَعَدتُ وَحدي لَهُ وَقالَ أَبو
لَيلى مَتى يَغتَمِن فَقَد دَأَبا

17. It was as if, when I made peace with him,
I found a threaded necklace and victorious warrior's coat of mail

١٧. كَأَنَّ فيهِ لَمّا اِرتَفَقتُ لَهُ
رَيطاً وَمِرباعَ غانِمٍ لَجِبا

18. So he generously roamed to the entrances of Subrah
By evening, his sheep were all gathered

١٨. فَجادَ رَهواً إِلى مَداخِلَ فَالصُح
رَةِ أَمسَت نِعاجُهُ عُصَبا

19. He lowered the glass from cloudy waters to the plains
And quenched the thirst of the wide open spaces

١٩. فَحَدَّرَ العُصمَ مِن عَمايَةَ لِلسَه
لِ وَقَضّى بِصاحَةَ الأَرَبا

20. The water makes their bellies glisten as pupils
Glisten when teaching pearls to schoolboys

٢٠. فَالماءُ يَجلو مُتونَهُنَّ كَما
يَجلو التَلاميذُ لُؤلُؤاً قَشِبا

21. The bedouin and his dogs met and tangled
Their intertwined waves - for the victor to own

٢١. لاقى البَدِيُّ الكِلابَ فَاِعتَلَجا
مَوجُ أَتِيَّيهِما لِمَن غَلَبا

22. They clamored like chattering pilgrims, as if
A Persian cupbearer making wine-filled threats

٢٢. فَدَعدَعا سُرَّةَ الرَكاءِ كَما
دَعدَعَ ساقي الأَعاجِمِ الغَرَبا

23. And every valley whose slopes had slipped
Cast forth the green creeping plants and brambles

٢٣. فَكُلُّ وادٍ هَدَّت حَوالِبُهُ
يَقذِفُ خُضرَ الدَباءِ فَالخُشُبا

24. The breezes inclined toward her, then the south winds
Blew them northward, turning them around

٢٤. مالَت بِهِ نَحوَها الجَنوبُ مَعاً
ثُمَّ اِزدَهَتهُ الشَمالُ فَاِنقَلَبا

25. I said: the honorable one's direction changed -
Watering lands that have borne calamities

٢٥. فَقُلتُ صابَ الأَعراضَ رَيَّقُهُ
يَسقي بِلاداً قَد أَمحَلَت حِقَبا

26. That Usayma may graze on its growth when
It produces hot crops and grass

٢٦. لِتَرعَ مِن نَبتِهِ أُسَيمُ إِذا
أَنبَتَ حُرَّ البُقولِ وَالعُشُبا

27. And so may her people graze it, for they
Are the best people I know, of noble lineage

٢٧. وَليَرعَهُ قَومُها فَإِنَّهُمُ
مِن خَيرِ حَيٍّ عَلِمتُهُم حَسَبا

28. My tribe, the Bani Amer - though enemies
Speak falsely of them with blatant lies

٢٨. قَومي بَنو عامِرٍ وَإِن نَطَقَ ال
أَعداءُ فيهِم مَناطِقاً كَذِبا

29. With the likes of them the fighter charges gloriously
And the protector confidently engages in combat

٢٩. بِمِثلِهِم يُجبَهُ المُناطِحُ ذو العِز
زِ وَيُعطي المُحافِظُ الجَنَبا