
O harbinger of good news of Iyad, which of you

يا بشر بشر إياد أيكم

1. O harbinger of good news of Iyad, which of you
Has paid the debt of the day of Hathb Al-Ajshor

١. يا بِشرُ بِشرَ إِيادٍ أَيُّكُم
أَدّى أُرَيكَةَ يَومَ هَضبِ الأَجشُرِ

2. The young boys pass one another over its back
With the poles of the litter up to the litters of the assembly

٢. يَتَرادَفُ الوِلدانُ فَوقَ فَقارِها
بِنِها الرَدافِ إِلى أَسِنَّةِ مَحضَرِ

3. It came on an excellent she-camel and a balanced litter
And you gave it relief from the wood of Al Aysar

٣. جاءَت عَلى قَتَبٍ وَعِدلِ مَزادَةٍ
وَأَرَحتُموها مِن عِلاجِ الأَيصَرِ