1. People wandering with plaintive laments
In a funeral grieving departed souls
١. قوما تَجوبانِ مَعَ الأَنواحِ
في مَأتَمٍ مُهَجِّرِ الرَواحِ
2. They scratch burning faces in acts of despair
In black garb and in deep sorrows
٢. يَخمِشنَ حُرَّ أَوجُهٍ صِحاحِ
في السُلُبِ السودِ وَفي الأَمساحِ
3. And our father, player with spears
The noble Bara', whom the winds blew
٣. وَأَبِّنا مُلاعِبَ الرِماحِ
أَبا بَراءٍ مِدرَهَ الشِياحِ
4. O Amir, O Amir of the morn
And player with the cavalry of heavy infantry
٤. يا عامِرا يا عامِرَ الصَباحِ
وَمِدرَهَ الكَتيبَةِ الرَداحِ
5. And youths like fast messengers
You blessed them with fine garments and rest
٥. وَفِتيَةٍ كَالرَسَلِ القِماحِ
باكَرتَهُم بِحُلَلٍ وَراحِ
6. And with saffron the color of sacrificial blood
And smoothness and ever-flowering splendor
٦. وَزَعفَرانٍ كَدَمِ الأَذباحِ
وَقَينَةٍ وَمِزهَرٍ صَدّاحِ
7. If only a living awareness of success
Had known the player with spears
٧. لَو أَنَّ حَيّاً مُدرِكِ الفَلاحِ
أَدرَكَهُ مُلاعِبُ الرِماحِ
8. It would have been savior of the struggling sufferer
And protection in the corrupt time
٨. كانَ غِياثَ المُرمِلِ المُمتاحِ
وَعِصمَةً في الزَمَنِ الكَلاحِ
9. When the hot winds blow
A cup of disasters and slaughter
٩. حينَ تَهُبُّ شَمأَلُ الرِياحِ
كَأساً مِنَ الذيفانِ وَالذُباحِ
10. You left it to inevitable fate
Adorned with genuine clarity
١٠. تَرَكتَهُ لِلقَدَرِ المُتاحِ
مُجَدَّلاً بِالصَفصَفِ الصَحاحِ