
I do not forgive the sons of hated enmity

لست بغافر لبني بغيض

1. I do not forgive the sons of hated enmity
Their foolishness nor the slip of their tongues

١. لَستُ بِغافِرٍ لِبَني بَغيضٍ
سَفاهَتَهُم وَلا خَطَلَ اللِسانِ

2. I will take from their heads my honor
For they are neither faithful nor trustworthy

٢. سَآخُذُ مِن سَراتِهِمُ بِعِرضي
وَلَيسوا بِالوَفاءِ وَلا المُداني

3. Indeed the rest of the reckonings are from us
And the people of blame and accusation

٣. فَإِنَّ بَقِيَّةَ الأَحسابِ مِنّا
وَأَصحابَ الحَمالَةِ وَالطِعانِ

4. Germs that prevented the whiteness of Najd
While you count among the everlasting pillars

٤. جَراثيمٌ مَنَعنَ بَياضَ نَجدٍ
وَأَنتَ تُعَدُّ في الزَمَعِ الدَواني