
I blamed my people, so blame me now or leave me be,

أعاذل قومي فاعذلي الآن أو ذري

1. I blamed my people, so blame me now or leave me be,
For even if you fall short with me, I'm no failure.

١. أُعاذِلَ قَومي فَاِعذُلي الآنَ أَو ذَري
فَلَستُ وَإِن أَقصَرتِ عَنّي بِمُقصِرِ

2. No, by Allah! There is no peace in pardoning
Even if the miser's soul shows mercy while hoarding wealth.

٢. أُعاذِلَ لا وَاللَهِ ما مِن سَلامَةٍ
وَلَو أَشفَقَت نَفسُ الشَحيحِ المُثَمِّرِ

3. I protect my honor with money, even if blamed, and buy
Praise - for one seeking praise buys praise regardless of cost.

٣. أَقي العِرضَ بِالمالِ التِلادِ وَأَشتَري
بِهِ الحَمدَ إِنَّ الطالِبَ الحَمدَ مُشتَري

4. And many bought a good name with their money
For their days, wherever they went and stayed.

٤. وَكَم مُشتَرٍ مِن مالِهِ حُسنَ صيتِهِ
لِأَيّامِهِ في كُلِّ مَبدىً وَمَحضَرِ

5. With it I impress peers wherever I dwell
And fulfill the duties of the righteous and give charity.

٥. أُباهي بِهِ الأَكفاءَ في كُلِّ مَوطِنٍ
وَأَقضي فُروضَ الصالِحينَ وَأَقتَري

6. So either you see me today as safe and sound,
For I'm no coward like dogs and monkeys.

٦. فَإِمّا تَرَيني اليَومَ عِندَكِ سالِماً
فَلَستُ بِأَحيا مِن كِلابٍ وَجَعفَرِ

7. Nor am I Abu Jaz' and his slave girl Humaymah -
Their killer and the constant wine drinker.

٧. وَلا مِن أَبي جَزءٍ وَجاري حَمومَةٍ
قَتيلِهِما وَالشارِبِ المُتَقَطِّرِ

8. Nor the two one-eyed men on successive nights,
Nor the owner of al-Burrad unadorned.

٨. وَلا الأَحوَصَينِ في لَيالٍ تَتابَعا
وَلا صاحِبِ البَرّاضِ غَيرِ المُغَمَّرِ

9. Nor am I like Rabi' insulted for borrowing
A bucket - spare me your shame and be patient.

٩. وَلا مِن رَبيعِ المُقتِرينَ رُزِئتُهُ
بِذي عَلَقٍ فَاِقنَي حَياءَكِ وَاِصبِري

10. Nor Qais ibn Jaz' the day he called his friends
And they came against him from their dwellings.

١٠. وَقَيسِ بنِ جَزءٍ يَومَ نادى صِحابَهُ
فَعاجوا عَلَيهِ مِن سَواهِمُ ضُمَّرِ

11. Death took him above the barren hills of Shutbah
Where the blowing winds pour down rain.

١١. طَوَتهُ المَنايا فَوقَ جَرداءَ شَطبَةٍ
تَدِفُّ دَفيفَ الرائِحِ المُتَمَطِّرِ

12. He spent the night while the people slept their last night,
For he did not stay at a pressing house.

١٢. فَباتَ وَأَسرى القَومُ آخِرَ لَيلِهِم
وَما كانَ وَقّافاً بِدارِ مُعَصَّرِ

13. And al-Harrab the gallant, Aamir of virtue,
What a bright early morning visitor!

١٣. وَبِالفورَةِ الحَرّابُ ذو الفَضلِ عامِرٌ
فَنِعمَ ضِياءُ الطارِقِ المُتَنَوِّرِ

14. And a neighbor settling in his home -
When dogs bark he does not hide.

١٤. وَنِعمَ مُناخُ الجارِ حَلَّ بِبَيتِهِ
إِذا ما الكَعابُ أَصبَحَت لَم تَسَتَّرِ

15. The people of generosity, resolve and high pursuit
Were Ubaydah and al-Haami wherever sought.

١٥. وَمَن كانَ أَهلَ الجودِ وَالحَزمِ وَالنَدى
عُبَيدَةُ وَالحامي لَدى كُلِّ مَحجَرِ

16. And Salma, Salma - people of generosity and attainment!
Whenever his Master called him to victory, he was given victory.

١٦. وَسَلمى وَسَلمى أَهلُ جودٍ وَنائِلٍ
مَتى يَدعُ مَولاهُ إِلى النَصرِ يُنصَرِ

17. While the houses of Tufail in al-Junaynah lie empty
And the houses of Suhayl, as you know, in disrepair.

١٧. وَبَيتُ طُفَيلٍ بِالجُنَينَةِ ثاوِياً
وَبَيتُ سُهَيلٍ قَد عَلِمتِ بِصَوءَرِ

18. Never did I see a day with more weeping
And beauties risen from decorated beds.

١٨. فَلَم أَرَ يَوماً كانَ أَكثَرَ باكِياً
وَحَسناءَ قامَت عَن طِرافٍ مُجَوَّرِ

19. Every noble lady makes the silent face of
Anwan and Bukr under perfume sad.

١٩. تَبُلُّ خُموشَ الوَجهِ كُلُّ كَريمَةٍ
عَوانٍ وَبِكرٍ تَحتَ قَرٍّ مُخَدَّرِ

20. And a warrior from the east, a protector
Brave, with a necklace, a leader among the people.

٢٠. وَبِالجَرِّ مِن شَرقِيِّ حَرسٍ مُحارِبٌ
شُجاعٌ وَذو عَقدٍ مِنَ القَومِ مُحتَرِ

21. A flame of wars - his steeds never stop
Charging the enemies at dawn like lions.

٢١. شِهابُ حُروبٍ لا تَزالُ جِيادُهُ
عَصائِبَ رَهواً كَالقَطا المُتَبَكِّرِ

22. And the companion of Malhub - his day aggrieved us,
While at al-Rida' another house like abundant rain.

٢٢. وَصاحِبُ مَلحوبٍ فُجِعنا بِيَومِهِ
وَعِندَ الرِداعِ بَيتُ آخَرَ كَوثَرِ

23. Those - weep for them and lament,
Abu Hazim every day you are remembered!

٢٣. أولَئِكَ فَاِبكي لا أَبا لَكِ وَاِندُبي
أَبا حازِمٍ في كُلِّ يَومٍ مُذَكَّرِ

24. Praise escorted them and their graves were fragrant
With the scent of basil in an illuminated resting place.

٢٤. فَشَيَّعَهُم حَمدٌ وَزانَت قُبورَهُم
سَرارَةُ رَيحانٍ بِقاعٍ مُنَوِّرِ

25. The family of water from the sky and their knights
Are gone - is there anyone left immortal and long-lived?

٢٥. وَشُمطَ بَني ماءِ السَماءِ وَمُردَهُم
فَهَل بَعدَهُم مِن خالِدٍ أَو مُعَمَّرِ

26. And those of their brothers and sons who followed them -
Elders and youths - like the gardens of Paradise.

٢٦. وَمَن فادَ مِن إِخوانِهِم وَبَنيهِم
كُهولٌ وَشُبّانٌ كَجِنَّةِ عَبقَرِ

27. They passed on, travelers on the path ahead of them
Radiant, not gloomy, like those gone before.

٢٧. مَضَوا سَلَفاً قَصدُ السَبيلِ عَلَيهِمِ
بَهِيٌّ مِنَ السُلّافِ لَيسَ بِحَيدَرِ

28. Whenever I saw splendor and a spectacular view
And freeing a prisoner in shackles a mercy...

٢٨. فَكائِن رَأَيتُ مِن بَهاءٍ وَمَنظَرٍ
وَمِفتَحِ قَيدٍ لِلأَسيرِ المُكَفَّرِ

29. Whenever I saw kings, servants, and a camel litter
Tied with embroidered saddles and fringes...

٢٩. وَكائِن رَأَيتُ مِن مُلوكٍ وَسوقَةٍ
وَراحِلَةٍ شُدَّت بِرَحلٍ مُحَبَّرِ

30. The days destroyed the masters of splendor
Without pause beneath the heavens and the view.

٣٠. وَأَفنى بَناتُ الدَهرِ أَربابَ ناعِطٍ
بِمُستَمَعٍ دونَ السَماءِ وَمَنظَرِ

31. And al-Harith the warrior on the day he roused his people -
Had he rallied them they would have come armored.

٣١. وَبِالحارِثِ الحَرّابِ فَجَّعنَ قَومَهُ
وَلَو هاجَهُم جاءوا بِنَصرٍ مُؤَزَّرِ

32. He destroyed the Lord of Kinda and his son in a day
And the Lord of Ma'add between Khabt and Ar'ar.

٣٢. وَأَهلَكنَ يَوماً رَبَّ كِندَةَ وَاِبنَهُ
وَرُبَّ مَعَدٍّ بَينَ خَبتٍ وَعَرعَرِ

33. He blinded the one-eyed man from his mountain fortress
And brought down the Lord of al-Muhaqqaq with siege engines.

٣٣. وَأَعوَصنَ بِالدومِيِّ مِن رَأسِ حِصنِهِ
وَأَنزَلنَ بِالأَسبابِ رَبَّ المُشَقَّرِ

34. He left behind only Quss, if only I had been
Endowed with Luqman's wisdom and reflection!

٣٤. وَأَخلَفنَ قُسّاً لَيتَني وَلَوَ أَنَّني
وَأَعيا عَلى لُقمانَ حُكمُ التَدَبُّرِ

35. If you ask who we are, we are just
Birds of these enchanted people.

٣٥. فَإِن تَسأَلينا فيمَ نَحنُ فَإِنَّنا
عَصافيرُ مِن هَذا الأَنامِ المُسَحَّرِ

36. Slaves of donkeys if they rule us
And the workers of Chosroes and Caesar oppress us.

٣٦. عَبيدٌ لِحَيِّ حِميَرٍ إِن تَمَلَّكوا
وَتَظلِمُنا عُمّالُ كِسرى وَقَيصَرِ

37. We and they are property of donkeys by force
For we have no masters but donkeys!

٣٧. وَنَحنُ وَهُم مُلكٌ لِحِميَرَ عَنوَةً
وَما إِن لَنا مِن سادَةٍ غَيرَ حِميَرِ

38. Seventy elders from Tubba
Who all ruled rose gardens one after another.

٣٨. تَبابِعَةٌ سَبعونَ مِن قَبلِ تُبَّعٍ
تَوَلّوا جَميعاً أَزهَراً بَعدَ أَزهَرِ

39. We settle every land, all settled before us,
And hope for success after Aad and donkeys!

٣٩. نَحُلُّ بِلاداً كُلُّها حُلَّ قَبلَنا
وَنَرجو الفَلاحَ بَعدَ عادٍ وَحِميَرِ

40. We and our brethren who passed on
Are like the aggressor and the wandering wind.

٤٠. وَإِنّا وَإِخواناً لَنا قَد تَتابَعوا
لَكَالمُغتَدي وَالرائِحِ المُتَهَجِّرِ

41. Is not the soul merely borrowed pleasure
Lent and then returning to its Lord in months?

٤١. هَلِ النَفسُ إِلّا مُتعَةٌ مُستَعارَةٌ
تُعارُ فَتَأتي رَبَّها فَرطَ أَشهُرِ