
When death strips a man of loved ones dear,

ما إن تعري المنون من أحد

1. When death strips a man of loved ones dear,
No anxious father, and no children near;

١. ما إِن تُعَرّي المَنونُ مِن أَحَدِ
لا والِدٍ مُشفِقٍ وَلا وَلَدِ

2. I do not fear the howling of the wolf,
Nor dread the roaring of the lion bold.

٢. أَخشى عَلى أَربَدَ الحُتوفَ وَلا
أَرهَبُ نَوءَ السِماكِ وَالأَسَدِ

3. The crash of thunder and the lightning's glare
Made me a knight that dreadful day of war,

٣. فَجَّعَني الرَعدُ وَالصَواعِقُ بِال
فارِسِ يَومَ الكَريهَةِ النَجُدِ

4. The conqueror who crushed the foe whene'er
He came with vengeance, though he swore and swore

٤. الحارِبِ الجابِرِ الحَريبَ إِذا
جاءَ نَكيباً وَإِن يَعُد يَعُدِ

5. To wreak his wrath and tyrannize no more.
He pardoned hardship and importunate pleas,

٥. يَعفو عَلى الجَهدِ وَالسُؤالِ كَما
أُنزِلَ صَوبُ الرَبيعِ ذي الرَصَدِ

6. As gentle rain descends from cloudy skies.
No eye has gained its utmost craving on

٦. لَم يُبلِغِ العَينَ كُلَّ نَهمَتِها
لَيلَةَ تُمسي الجِيادُ كَالقِدَدِ

7. The night when steeds like pillars propped stand by.
Death comes to all of Banu Hurra's sons,

٧. كُلُّ بَني حُرَّةٍ مَصيرُهُمُ
قُلٌّ وَإِن أَكثَرَت مِنَ العَدَدِ

8. Be they a meagre or a mighty host.
Though they be envied, they are cast down low,

٨. إِن يُغبَطوا يُهبَطوا وَإِن أَمِروا
يَوماً يَصيروا لِلهُلكِ وَالنَكَدِ

9. And if exalted, doomed to ruin and woe.
O eye, why did you not lament Arbad

٩. يا عَينُ هَلّا بَكَيتِ أَربَدَ إِذ
قُمنا وَقامَ الخُصومُ في كَبَدِ

10. When we arose and rivals turned in hate?
And eye, why did you not lament Arbad

١٠. وَعَينِ هَلّا بَكَيتِ أَربَدَ إِذ
أَلوَت رِياحُ الشِتاءِ بِالعَضَدِ

11. When winter winds brought desolation's weight?
At dawn, only weeping, stripped, remained,

١١. فَأَصبَحَت لاقِحاً مُصَرَّمَةٍ
حينَ تَقَضَّت غَوابِرُ المُدَدِ

12. When the clouds of calamity were dispersed.
If they make mischief, little heeds he them,

١٢. إِن يَشغَبوا لا يُبالِ شَغبَهُمُ
أَو يَقصِدوا في الحُكومِ يَقتَصِدِ

13. Or if they aim for power, he aims for justice.
Sweet is he, generous, though in his sweetness

١٣. حُلوٌ كَريمٌ وَفي حَلاوَتِهِ
مُرٌّ لَطيفُ الأَحشاءِ وَالكَبَدِ

14. Is subtle bitterness that hurts the liver and gut.
He who brings grief to mourning chambers

١٤. الباعِثُ النَوحَ في مَآتِمِهِ
مِثلَ الظِباءِ الأَبكارِ بِالجَرَدِ