1. I say to my companion in a place of washing,
"Come with me to the everlasting grave
١. أَقولُ لِصاحِبَيَّ بِذاتِ غِسلٍ
أَلِمّا بي عَلى الجَدَثِ المُقيمِ
2. Let us look how its builder has constructed it
On the bones of the noble lineage
٢. لِنَنظُرَ كَيفَ سَمَّكَ بانِياهُ
عَلى حِبّانَ ذي الحَسَبِ الكَريمِ
3. We have killed nine with my father Lubayna
And dispatched the loyalists to their fate"
٣. قَتَلنا تِسعَةً بِأَبي لُبَينى
وَأَلحَقنا المَوالِيَ بِالصَميمِ