
Do not chide the youths for their mischief,

لا تزجر الفتيان عن سوء الرعه

1. Do not chide the youths for their mischief,
For, my lord, their vigor is better than stillness.

١. لا تَزجُرِ الفِتيانَ عَن سوءِ الرِعَه
يا رُبَّ هَيجا هِيَ خَيرٌ مِن دَعَه

2. O son of lords, chieftains, people of renown,
I am Labid, then this inspired speech.

٢. يا اِبنَ المُلوكِ السادَةِ الهَبَنقَعَه
أَنا لَبيدٌ ثُمَّ هَذي المَنزَعَه

3. Every day my resolve is torn asunder,
Content, though never contented.

٣. في كُلِّ يَومٍ هامَتي مُقَزَّعَه
قانِعَةً وَلَم تَكُن مُقَنَّعَه

4. We are the sons of the mother of four sons,
And we are the best of the tribe of Sa'sa'ah.

٤. نَحنُ بَنو أُمِّ البَنينَ الأَربَعَه
وَنَحنُ خَيرُ عامِرِ بنِ صَعصَعَه

5. Who feast the famished, the needy,
And strike with the sword beneath the armpits.

٥. المُطعِمونَ الجَفنَةَ المُدَعدَعَه
وَالضارِبونَ الهامَ تَحتَ الخَيضَعَه

6. O giver of abundant, copious wealth,
Swords of truth and hands generous of gifts.

٦. يا واهِبَ المالِ الجَزيلِ مِن سَعَه
سُيوفُ حَقٍّ وَجِفانٌ مُترَعَه

7. To you we passed through lands seventy in number,
When the desert turned desolate and confused.

٧. إِلَيكَ جاوَزنا بِلاداً مُسبِعَه
إِذِ الفَلاةُ أَوحَشَت في المَعمَعَه

8. One who knows this will inform you, so listen,
Gently, man, refuse not food you share.

٨. يُخبِركَ عَن هَذا خَبيرٌ فَاِسمَعَه
مَهلاً أَبَيتَ اللَعنَ لا تَأكُل مَعَه

9. Verily his condition results from mange dispersed,
And he inserts in it his fingers,

٩. إِنَّ اِستَهُ مِن بَرَصٍ مُلَمَّعَه
وَإِنَّهُ يُدخِلُ فيها إِصبَعَه

10. Inserts them until he hides his armpits,
As though seeking something he had lost.

١٠. يُدخِلُها حَتّى يُواري أَشجَعَه
كَأَنَّما يَطلُبُ شَيئاً ضَيَّعَه