
The dwellings are deserted, though their place remains;

عفت الديار محلها فمقامها

1. The dwellings are deserted, though their place remains;
At Mina their tyranny has come to stay forever.

١. عَفَتِ الدِيارُ مَحَلُّها فَمُقامُها
بِمَنىً تَأَبَّدَ غَولُها فَرِجامُها

2. The guardians of the rain clouds uncovered its form,
Created as promised in the Revelation's security.

٢. فَمَدافِعُ الرَيّانِ عُرِّيَ رَسمُها
خَلَقاً كَما ضَمِنَ الوُحِيَّ سِلامُها

3. After the loving era, a criminal time arrived
When the pilgrimage's lawful and unlawful were confused.

٣. دِمَنٌ تَجَرَّمَ بَعدَ عَهدِ أَنيسِها
حِجَجٌ خَلَونَ حَلالُها وَحَرامُها

4. It was given the stars of the constellations and struck
By its pouring rain, its generosity and torrents.

٤. رُزِقَت مَرابيعَ النُجومِ وَصابَها
وَدقُ الرَواعِدِ جَودُها فَرِهامُها

5. From every lofty minaret and every singing night,
Whose evening shadows answer each other.

٥. مِن كُلِّ سارِيَةٍ وَغادٍ مُدجِنٍ
وَعَشيَّةٍ مُتَجاوِبٍ إِرزامُها

6. The tree branches are high, and the ostrich and deer
Graze there with the hyenas, at home.

٦. فَعَلا فُروعُ الأَيهُقانِ وَأَطفَلَت
بِالجَهلَتَينِ ظِبائُها وَنَعامُها

7. While the eye rests on its heights, seeking refuge,
Bewildered, in the sky where its desires roam.

٧. وَالعَينُ ساكِنَةٌ عَلى أَطلائِها
عوذاً تَأَجَّلُ بِالفَضاءِ بِهامُها

8. The torrents recede from the hills as if they are
Scrolls, their texts written by its surging waves.

٨. وَجَلا السُيولُ عَنِ الطُلولِ كَأَنَّها
زُبُرٌ تُجِدُّ مُتونَها أَقلامُها

9. Or like the returning cavalry of Washima
Covering them with its brave horses above.

٩. أَو رَجعُ واشِمَةٍ أُسِفَّ نُؤورُها
كِفَفاً تَعَرَّضَ فَوقَهِنَّ وِشامُها

10. I stood and asked about it - but how can I ask
When its eternal buildings cannot speak?

١٠. فَوَقَفتُ أَسأَلُها وَكَيفَ سُؤالُنا
صُمّاً خَوالِدَ ما يُبينُ كَلامُها

11. It was abandoned, and all departed from it,
Fleeing its hardship when the living things left.

١١. عَرِيَت وَكانَ بِها الجَميعُ فَأَبكَروا
مِنها وَغودِرَ نُؤيُها وَثُمامُها

12. You were split by the stab of life when they resolved to
Gather as cotton, pitching their tents.

١٢. شاقَتكَ ظُعنُ الحَيِّ حينَ تَحَمَّلوا
فَتَكَنَّسوا قُطُناً تَصِرُّ خِيامُها

13. Married couples in every covered litter,
Its pole shared by an old woman and her youth.

١٣. مِن كُلِّ مَحفوفٍ يُظِلُّ عَصِيَّهُ
زَوجٌ عَلَيهِ كِلَّةٌ وَقِرامُها

14. Men who seem like sheep scattering on it
And deer and cattle walking calmly.

١٤. زُجَلاً كَأَنَّ نِعاجَ توضِحَ فَوقَها
وَظِباءَ وَجرَةَ عُطَّفاً آرامُها

15. They were roused and the mirage seemed to move them
Like tree trunks, their roots torn, and their bodies tossed.

١٥. حُفِزَت وَزايَلَها السَرابُ كَأَنَّها
أَجزاعُ بيشَةَ أَثلُها وَرُضامُها

16. Rather, it does not remember anything of Noor*
Its links are severed and its landmarks gone.

١٦. بَل ما تَذَكَّرُ مِن نَوارَ وَقَد نَأَت
وَتَقَطَّعَت أَسبابُها وَرِمامُها

17. An ill-omened woman camped at Fayd*
And lodged with the people of Hejaz - where are your goals?

١٧. مُرِّيَّةٌ حَلَّت بِفَيدِ وَجاوَرَت
أَهلَ الحِجازِ فَأَينَ مِنكَ مَرامُها

18. At Mashariq ul-Jabalain* or at Muhaggar*,
Sheltering them while its forts crumble.

١٨. بِمَشارِقِ الجَبَلَينِ أَو بِمُحَجَّرٍ
فَتَضَمَّنَتها فَردَةٌ فَرُخامُها

19. If they prosper, they're suspected; if ruined, they meet
The doom of fate or a tyrant's injustice.

١٩. فَصُوائِقٌ إِن أَيمَنَت فَمَظِنَّةٌ
فيها وِحافُ القَهرِ أَو طِلخامُها

20. So break off from one who shows you his ties then betrays you
And the evil of one who befriends you plotfully.

٢٠. فَاِقطَع لُبانَةَ مَن تَعَرَّضَ وَصلُهُ
وَلَشَرُّ واصِلِ خُلَّةٍ صَرّامُها

21. Love those who are generous even if their bodies betray them
When their physique declines and their bodies grow thin.

٢١. وَاِحبُ المُجامِلَ بِالجَزيلِ وَصَرمُهُ
باقٍ إِذا ضَلَعَت وَزاغَ قِوامُها

22. With the hardships of travel some vigor remains
While others are worn out, backs bent and weak.

٢٢. بِطَليحِ أَسفارٍ تَرَكنَ بَقِيَّةً
مِنها فَأَحنَقَ صُلبُها وَسَنامُها

23. When its flesh is depleted and its bones show through
And its servants are severed after being together.

٢٣. وَإِذا تَغالى لَحمُها وَتَحَسَّرَت
وَتَقَطَّعَت بَعدَ الكَلالِ خِدامُها

24. It has friskiness in its reins as if it is
A gray mare veering with the south winds.

٢٤. فَلَها هِبابٌ في الزِمامِ كَأَنَّها
صَهباءُ خَفَّ مَعَ الجَنوبِ جَهامُها

25. Or like a polished sword, unsheathed for war,
Struck by warriors, clashing, combat, bleeding.

٢٥. أَو مُلمِعٌ وَسَقَت لِأَحقَبَ لاحَهُ
طَردُ الفُحولِ وَضَربُها وَكِدامُها

26. It climbs the hillocks of Ikam* with mettle
Though its disobedience and uncertainty exhaust it.

٢٦. يَعلو بِها حُدبَ الإِكامِ مُسَحَّجٌ
قَد رابَهُ عِصيانُها وَوِحامُها

27. It fears war at Haziba's* slope, so it calms
When the thought of conflict makes its soul recoil.

٢٧. بِأَحِزَّةِ الثَلَبوتِ يَربَأُ فَوقَها
قَفرَ المَراقِبِ خَوفُها آرامُها

28. Until the six months of Jumada* have passed
Its fasting and abstinence continue for so long.

٢٨. حَتّى إِذا سَلَخا جُمادى سِتَّةً
جَزءً فَطالَ صِيامُهُ وَصِيامُها

29. By their command they returned to Dhi Mirra*
At harvest, the rope-binding successful.

٢٩. رَجَعا بِأَمرِهِما إِلى ذي مِرَّةٍ
حَصِدٍ وَنُجحُ صَريمَةٍ إِبرامُها

30. The winds of summer blew over it while it shook
Off its covers and its arrows scattered.

٣٠. وَرَمى دَوابِرَها السَفا وَتَهَيَّجَت
ريحُ المَصايِفِ سَومُها وَسِهامُها

31. They competed under the towering clouds
Whose shadows flowed like smoke from a torch.

٣١. فَتَنازَعا سَبِطاً يَطيرُ ظِلالُهُ
كَدُخانِ مُشعَلَةٍ يُشَبُّ ضِرامُها

32. Engulfed by the growth of Arafaj*,
Like smoke from a bright kindling fire.

٣٢. مَشمولَةٍ غُلِثَت بِنابِتِ عَرفَجٍ
كَدُخانِ نارٍ ساطِعٍ أَسنامُها

33. He led the way, as was his habit
When it was restless and stamped its hooves.

٣٣. فَمَضى وَقَدَّمَها وَكانَت عادَةً
مِنهُ إِذا هِيَ عَرَّدَت إِقدامُها

34. They marched between the slopes of Sarri*
Past ruined dwellings, their walls adjacent.

٣٤. فَتَوَسَّطا عُرضَ السَرِيِّ وَصَدَّعا
مَسجورَةً مُتَجاوِراً قُلّامُها

35. Sheltered amidst the trees, shaded
By the wildlife and its guarding vegetation.

٣٥. مَحفوفَةً وَسطَ اليَراعِ يُظِلُّها
مِنهُ مُصَرَّعُ غابَةٍ وَقِيامُها

36. Is it a wild animal left behind
When the guides of the caravan neglected their duty?

٣٦. أَفَتِلكَ أَم وَحشِيَّةٌ مَسبوعَةٌ
خَذَلَت وَهادِيَةُ الصِوارِ قِوامُها

37. A lost Khensa* who missed the parade of virtues;
The face of the meadow, its bloom and light lost?

٣٧. خَنساءُ ضَيَّعَتِ الفَريرَ فَلَم يَرِم
عُرضَ الشَقائِقِ طَوفُها وَبُغامُها

38. Taken by a blue-eyed blond whose charm deceived it,
Whose visage soured, refusing any food.

٣٨. لِمُعَفَّرٍ قَهدٍ تَنازَعَ شِلوَهُ
غُبسٌ كَواسِبُ لا يُمَنُّ طَعامُها

39. It encountered a trick from him so death found it -
The arrows of death do not miss their mark.

٣٩. صادَفنَ مِنها غِرَّةً فَأَصَبنَها
إِنَّ المَنايا لا تَطيشُ سِهامُها

40. It remained while the rain's escort settled around it
Watering the meadows, incessantly grazing.

٤٠. باتَت وَأَسبَلَ واكِفٌ مِن ديمَةٍ
يُروي الخَمائِلَ دائِماً تَسجامُها

41. It climbs the road of its valley continuously
On a night when the stars are veiled by clouds.

٤١. يَعلو طَريقَةَ مَتنِها مُتَواتِرٌ
في لَيلَةٍ كَفَرَ النُجومَ غَمامُها

42. It passes a barren winter land, abandoned,
Toppled by the wind on its bending boughs.

٤٢. تَجتافُ أَصلاً قالِصاً مُتَنَبِّذاً
بِعُجوبِ أَنقاءٍ يَميلُ هُيامُها

43. It lights the darkness, shining bright,
Like the lamp of a sailor - ordered is its system.

٤٣. وَتُضيءُ في وَجهِ الظَلامُ مُنيرَةً
كَجُمانَةِ البَحرِيِّ سُلَّ نِظامُها

44. Until the darkness recedes and the dawn rises,
The earth is stripped of its heavy dress.

٤٤. حَتّى إِذا اِنحَسَرَ الظَلامُ وَأَسفَرَت
بَكَرَت تَزُلُّ عَنِ الثَرى أَزلامُها

45. It followed prey in the remains of hunted feast sites
For seven complete days of its course.

٤٥. عَلِهَت تَرَدَّدُ في نِهاءِ صَعائِدٍ
سَبعاً تُؤاماً كامِلاً أَيّامُها

46. Until the hunter despaired and sent
The farewell pigeons, their wings clipped.

٤٦. حَتّى إِذا يَئِسَت وَأَسحَقَ حالِقٌ
لَم يُبلِهِ إِرضاعُها وَفِطامُها

47. So they met and a guide from Mudarriya* reprimanded them -
As far as Samhra*, define it and complete it!

٤٧. وَتَوَجَّسَت رِزَّ الأَنيسِ فَراعَها
عَن ظَهرِ غَيبٍ وَالأَنيسُ سَقامُها

48. To drive them back, and it knew if it did not drive them
They would mingle with the doves and pigeons.

٤٨. فَغَدَت كِلا الفَرجَينِ تَحسَبُ أَنَّهُ
مَولى المَخافَةِ خَلفُها وَأَمامُها

49. So it boldly encountered Kasab and blood dripped
While it plotted deceitfully in the valleys.

٤٩. حَتّى إِذا يَئِسَ الرُماةُ وَأَرسَلوا
غُضفاً دَواجِنَ قافِلاً أَعصامُها

50. Thus with the dawn the lightning danced and the mirage of Sirab
Was stripped bare; complete my duty without doubt.

٥٠. فَلَحِقنَ وَاِعتَكَرَت لَها مَدرِيَّةٌ
كَالسَمهَرِيَّةِ حَدُّها وَتَمامُها

51. Or blame that some soul still craves
Or that a coveter criticizes its needs.

٥١. لِتَذودَهُنَّ وَأَيقَنَت إِن لَم تَذُد
أَن قَد أَحَمَّ مَعَ الحُتوفِ حِمامُها

52. Or didn't you know, Noor, that I
Will keep the knot of loving ties bound?

٥٢. فَتَقَصَّدَت مِنها كَسابِ فَضُرِّجَت
بِدَمٍ وَغودِرَ في المَكَرِّ سُخامُها

53. I see you are ungrateful when I'm not pleased
Or some hearts hang upon you, obsessed.

٥٣. فَبِتِلكَ إِذ رَقَصَ اللَوامِعُ بِالضُحى
وَاِجتابَ أَردِيَةَ السَرابِ إِكامُها

54. Rather you don't know how many a sweet night of joy -
Our play and blameless passions spent.

٥٤. أَقضي اللُبانَةَ لا أُفَرِّطُ ريبَةً
أَو أَن يَلومَ بِحاجَةٍ لُوّامُها

55. I visited it at night while the goal of all merchants
Is the tavern from which only ruin comes.

٥٥. أَوَلَم تَكُن تَدري نَوارُ بِأَنَّني
وَصّالُ عَقدِ حَبائِلٍ جَذّامُها

56. I made wine of all the darkest necks
And cups poured out until the seal broke.

٥٦. تَرّاكُ أَمكِنَةٍ إِذا لَم أَرضَها
أَو يَعتَلِق بَعضَ النُفوسِ حِمامُها

57. The clear dawn, pulling the well-rope persistently
With groping fingers stroking its handle.

٥٧. بَل أَنتِ لا تَدرينَ كَم مِن لَيلَةٍ
طَلقٍ لَذيذٍ لَهوُها وَنِدامُها

58. I satisfied its needs, slaughtering chickens at dawn
To announce it when slumber had departed.

٥٨. قَد بِتُّ سامِرَها وَغايَةُ تاجِرٍ
وافَيتُ إِذ رُفِعَت وَعَزَّ مُدامُها

59. And after a windy morning and a day of comfort
When it fell into the hands of the north wind.

٥٩. أُغلي السِباءَ بِكُلِّ أَدكَنَ عاتِقٍ
أَو جَونَةٍ قُدِحَت وَفُضَّ خِتامُها

60. I even warmed the neighborhood, bearing my complaint -
Excess and my cheeks flaming as I wandered to meet it.

٦٠. وَصَبوحِ صافِيَةٍ وَجَذبِ كَرينَةٍ
بِمُوَتَّرٍ تَأتالُهُ إِبهامُها

61. I climbed up a rocky hill on its heights, anxious,
To the flags guiding me to its camping grounds.

٦١. بادَرتُ حاجَتَها الدَجاجَ بِسُحرَةٍ
لِأُعَلَّ مِنها حينَ هَبَّ نِيامُها

62. Until it wandered into an infidel land
And the darkness exposed the vulnerability of the ruins.

٦٢. وَغَداةِ ريحٍ قَد وَزَعتُ وَقَرَّةٍ
إِذ أَصبَحَت بِيَدِ الشَمالِ زِمامُها

63. I raided it while it stood like a palm tree trunk
Bare, with only its fruit stalks remaining.

٦٣. وَلَقَد حَمَيتُ الحَيَّ تَحمُلُ شِكَّتي
فُرُطٌ وَشاحِيَ إِذ غَدَوتُ لِجامُها

64. I lifted it while herding the ostriches and paralyzing them
Until its bones were hot and its body gaunt.

٦٤. فَعَلَوتُ مُرتَقِباً عَلى ذي هَبوَةٍ
حَرِجٍ إِلى أَعلامِهِنَّ قَتامُها

65. Its saddle-bags shook and its shoulders dripped
With the spittle of saliva soaking its straps.

٦٥. حَتّى إِذا أَلقَت يَداً في كافِرٍ
وَأَجَنَّ عَوراتِ الثُغورِ ظَلامُها

66. It climbs up and digs in the reins, then settles down,
Returning to the dovecote when it coos.

٦٦. أَسهَلتُ وَاِنتَصَبَت كَجَذعِ مُنيفَةٍ
جَرداءَ يَحصَرُ دونَها جُرّامُها

67. Its strangers are many, unknown,
Their voluntary extras hoped for, their harm feared.

٦٧. رَفَّعتُها طَرَدَ النِعامِ وَشَلَّهُ
حَتّى إِذا سَخِنَت وَخَفَّ عِظامُها

68. An overpowering force dispersed in the valleys as if
They are jinn of the waste, their feet implanted.

٦٨. قَلِقَت رِحالَتُها وَأَسبَلَ نَحرُها
وَاِبتَلَّ مِن زَبَدِ الحَميمِ حِزامُها

69. I denied its falsehood and recognized its truth;
It did not boast to me though it had prestige.

٦٩. تَرقى وَتَطعَنُ في العِنانِ وَتَنتَحي
وِردَ الحَمامَةِ إِذ أَجَدَّ حَمامُها

70. Short, equal troops I called against it
With bodies similar, their appearance uniform.

٧٠. وَكَثيرَةٍ غُرَبائُها مَجهولَةٍ
تُرجى نَوافِلُها وَيُخشى ذامُها

71. I summon them for a barren or nursing woman -
Their meat served indiscriminately to all neighbors.

٧١. غُلبٌ تَشَذَّرُ بِالذُحولِ كَأَنَّها
جِنُّ البَدِيِّ رَواسِياً أَقدامُها

72. The guest and the good neighbor next door are as though
They descended upon the plants, their roots nurturing.

٧٢. أَنكَرتُ باطِلَها وَبُؤتُ بِحَقِّها
عِندي وَلَم يَفخَر عَلَيَّ كِرامُها

73. Every outcast comes to rest there
Like a shriveled branch, their structures toppled.

٧٣. وَجَزورِ أَيسارٍ دَعَوتُ لِحَتفِها
بِمَغالِقٍ مُتَشابِهٍ أَجسامُها

74. When the winds contend they are girded
With alleys spreading out, their homes now orphaned.

٧٤. أَدعو بِهِنَّ لِعاقِرٍ أَو مُطفِلٍ
بُذِلَت لِجِيرانِ الجَميعِ لِحامُها

75. When our groups come together, there remains among us
A persistent provision of great resolution.

٧٥. فَالضَيفُ وَالجارُ الجَنيبُ كَأَنَّما
هَبَطا تَبالَةَ مُخصِباً أَهضامُها

76. And a just divider who gives rights to the clan
And forgives its obligations, erasing its debts.

٧٦. تَأوي إِلى الأَطنابِ كُلُّ رَذِيَّةٍ
مِثلُ البَلِيَّةِ قالِصٌ أَهدامُها

77. So be satisfied with what the King has ordained;
He who divided creation among us knows all.

٧٧. وَيُكَلِّلونَ إِذا الرِياحُ تَناوَحَت
خُلُجاً تُمَدُّ شَوارِعاً أَيتامُها

78. And if a trust was divided among the clan,
The One who divided fulfilled our largest share.

٧٨. إِنّا إِذا اِلتَقَتِ المَجامِعُ لَم يَزَل
مِنّا لِزازُ عَظيمَةٍ جَشّامُها

79. He built for us a lofty house, its ceiling so high
Their elders and youths ascended to it equally.

٧٩. وَمُقَسِّمٌ يُعطي العَشيرَةَ حَقَّها
وَمُغَذمِرٌ لِحُقوقِها هَضّامُها

80. They are the runners when the clan is terrified
And they are its horsemen and they are its rulers.

٨٠. فَضلاً وَذو كَرَمٍ يُعينُ عَلى النَدى
سَمحٌ كَسوبُ رَغائِبٍ غَنّامُها

81. They are the spring rain for neighbor and alien;
They are refuge when the year stretches its length.

٨١. مِن مَعشَرٍ سَنَّت لَهُم آبائُهُم
وَلِكُلِّ قَومٍ سُنَّةٌ وَإِمامُها

82. They are the clan, no matter if a jealous one delays
Or if a coward leans towards the enemy.

٨٢. لا يَطبَعونَ وَلا يَبورُ فَعالُهُم
إِذ لا يَميلُ مَعَ الهَوى أَحلامُها

83. *Words in italics are names of places related to Mecca and Medina.

٨٣. فَاِقنَع بِما قَسَمَ المَليكُ فَإِنَّما
قَسَمَ الخَلائِقَ بَينَنا عَلّامُها

٨٤. وَإِذا الأَمانَةُ قُسِّمَت في مَعشَرٍ
أَوفى بِأَوفَرِ حَظِّنا قَسّامُها

٨٥. فَبَنى لَنا بَيتاً رَفيعاً سَمكُهُ
فَسَما إِلَيهِ كَهلُها وَغُلامُها

٨٦. وَهُمُ السُعاةُ إِذا العَشيرَةُ أَفظِعَت
وَهُمُ فَوارِسُها وَهُم حُكّامُها

٨٧. وَهُمُ رَبيعٌ لِلمُجاوِرِ فيهُمُ
وَالمُرمِلاتِ إِذا تَطاوَلَ عامُها

٨٨. وَهُمُ العَشيرَةُ أَن يُبَطِّئَ حاسِدٌ
أَو أَن يَميلَ مَعَ العَدُوِّ لِئامُها