1. The matters have been decided and the promises fulfilled,
And Allah, my Lord, is glorious and praiseworthy,
١. قُضِيَ الأُمورُ وَأُنجِزَ المَوعودُ
وَاللَهُ رَبّي ماجِدٌ مَحمودُ
2. To Him belong the merits and the voluntary deeds and the highness,
And to Him belong the furniture of goodness and abundance,
٢. وَلَهُ الفَواضِلُ وَالنَوافِلُ وَالعُلا
وَلَهُ أَثيثُ الخَيرِ وَالمَعدودُ
3. Indeed the people of Aram and Aad were ruined by their plots,
And the people of Thamud were ruined after that,
٣. وَلَقَد بَلَت إِرَمٌ وَعادٌ كَيدَهُ
وَلَقَد بَلَتهُ بَعدَ ذاكَ ثَمودُ
4. They left their clothes over their defects,
So they became still in the courtyards of houses,
٤. خَلّوا ثِيابَهُمُ عَلى عَوراتِهِ
فَهُمُ بِأَفنِيَةِ البُيوتِ هُمودُ
5. And indeed I became weary of life and its length,
And the questioning of these people, "How is Labeed?"
٥. وَلَقَد سَئِمتُ مِنَ الحَياةِ وَطولِها
وَسُؤالِ هَذا الناسِ كَيفَ لَبيدُ
6. And I sang the day before the path of Dahis,
If the obstinate soul had eternity,
٦. وَغَنَيتُ سَبتاً قَبلَ مُجرى داحِسٍ
لَو كانَ لِلنَفسِ اللَجوجِ خُلودُ
7. And I witnessed the summit of glory high,
Like the ankles of kings are witnesses.
٧. وَشَهِدتُ أَنجِيَةَ الأَفاقَةِ عالِياً
كَعبي وَأَردافُ المُلوكِ شُهودُ
8. And your father is Busr who has an age that cannot be refuted,
And will not return to renewed youth.
٨. وَأَبوكِ بُسرٌ لا يُفَنَّدُ عَمرَهُ
وَإِلى بِلىً ما يُرجَعَنَّ جَديدُ
9. I overcame grief though I was not overcome,
A long, endless, extended lifetime.
٩. غَلَبَ العَزاءَ وَكُنتُ غَيرَ مُغَلَّبٍ
دَهرٌ طَويلٌ دائِمٌ مَمدودُ
10. A day that will come upon me and a night,
And both of them after passing will return.
١٠. يَومٌ إِذا يَأتي عَلَيَّ وَلَيلَةٌ
وَكِلاهُما بَعدَ المَضاءِ يَعودُ
11. And I see it coming like the day I met it,
It did not pass and I weakened while it was strong,
١١. وَأَراهُ يَأتي مِثلَ يَومِ لَقيتُهُ
لَم يَنصَرِم وَضَعُفتُ وَهوَ شَديدُ
12. And I protected my people when Aamir called me
And the delegations advanced on the day of victory.
١٢. وَحَمَيتُ قَومي إِذ دَعَتني عامِرٌ
وَتَقَدَّمَت يَومَ الغَبيطِ وُفودُ
13. And the pillars of every tribe wavered,
And the brave horsemen of the honorable king repelled.
١٣. وَتَداكَأَت أَركانُ كُلِّ قَبيلَةٍ
وَفَوارِسُ المَلِكِ الهُمامِ تَذودُ
14. I honored my dignity so that it would not be harmed by cowardice,
Indeed the innocent one free of disgrace is fortunate.
١٤. أَكرَمتُ عِرضي أَن يُنالَ بِنَجوَةٍ
إِنَّ البَريءَ مِنَ الهَناتِ سَعيدُ
15. No sooner do I become downcast than
The striking of the strong and the trembling of thunder cheer me up.
١٥. ما إِن أَهابُ إِذا السُرادِقُ غَمَّهُ
قَرعُ القِسيِّ وَأُرعِشَ الرِعديدُ