1. Kubaysha regained her sense after you left,
And her madness for being away became wisdom.
١. كُبَيشَةُ حَلَّت بَعدَ عَهدِكَ عاقِلاً
وَكانَت لَهُ خَبلاً عَلى النَأيِ خابِلا
2. She took to the highlands, then spent the summer
At al-Buttah, while the flowing streams irrigated al-Musayyil.
٢. تَرَبَّعَتِ الأَشرافَ ثُمَّ تَصَيَّفَت
حَساءَ البُطاحِ وَاِنتَجَعنَ المَسايِلا
3. She roams between al-Rijam and Wasit
To the lotus tree of al-Rassayn, where the gazelles graze.
٣. تَخَيَّرُ ما بَينَ الرِجامِ وَواسِطٍ
إِلى سِدرَةِ الرَسَّينِ تَرعى السَوابِلا
4. The pigeons coo over it every dawn
Over the terebinth the mornings and twilights echo.
٤. يُغَنّي الحَمامُ فَوقَها كُلَّ شارِقٍ
عَلى الطَلحِ يَصدَحنَ الضُحى وَالأَصائِلا
5. I assigned her a worry as though its localization
Were flax flowers that frequent the waters.
٥. فَكَلَّفتُها وَهماً كَأَنَّ نَحيزَهُ
شَقائِقُ نَسّاجٍ يَؤُمُّ المَناهِلا
6. So I let her compete with its reins in it,
Rivaling the edges of the thickets' entanglements.
٦. فَعَدَّيتُها فيهِ تُباري زِمامَها
تُنازِعُ أَطرافَ الإِكامِ النَقائِلا
7. Sheltering like an emigrant's cloak containing
Thickets wherein the mares rear their tails.
٧. مُنيفاً كَسَحلِ الهاجِرِيِّ تَضُمُّهُ
إِكامٌ وَيَعرَوري النِجادَ الغَوائِلا
8. She frequented it when its old compact with her companion
Had deteriorated, as vinegar does the spices.
٨. فَسافَت قَديماً عَهدُهُ بِأَنيسِهِ
كَما خالَطَ الخَلُّ العَتيقُ التَوابِلا
9. I stole with her the estrangement from her sheep's homes
And shepherded its herd at night while spending the night.
٩. سَلَبتُ بِها هَجراً بُيوتَ نِعاجِهِ
وَرُعتُ قَطاهُ في المَبيتِ وَقائِلا
10. With an enclosure he perceived her, except for a portion
Whose poles under the tent pegs bend.
١٠. بِحَرفٍ بَراها الرَحلُ إِلّا شَظِيَّةً
تَرى صُلبَها تَحتَ الوَلِيَّةِ ناحِلا
11. So that panels appear in her bosom
When she returns to her burrows and nests.
١١. عَلى أَنَّ أَلواحاً تُرى في جَديلِها
إِذا عاوَدَت جَنانَها وَالأَفاكِلا
12. I left it frightened as though its beasts
Were thieves deterred from undertakings and attempts.
١٢. وَغادَرتُ مَرهوباً كَأَنَّ سِباعَهُ
لُصوصٌ تَصَدّى لِلكَسوبِ المَحاوِلا
13. As though my sturdy she-camel atop a saddle
Bolts toward the watering places, hindered.
١٣. كَأَنَّ قَتودي فَوقَ جَأبٍ مُطَرَّدٍ
يُفِزُّ نَحوصاً بِالبَراعيمِ حائِلا
14. The downpour's disaster shepherded it until it spent the summer
At the Euphrates banks, residing in thickets.
١٤. رَعاها مَصابَ المُزنِ حَتّى تَصَيَّفا
نِعافَ القَنانِ ساكِناً فَالأَجاوِلا
15. For it the cool of late spring and its clouds
Became a mixture that tomorrow's noon sun takes away.
١٥. فَكانَ لَهُ بَردُ السِماكِ وَغَيمُهُ
خَليطاً غَدا صُبحَ الحَرامِ مُزايِلا
16. So when summer released the water of its reservoir,
And the haze had removed the camel hair tents' pegs,
١٦. فَلَمّا اِعتَقاهُ الصَيفُ ماءَ ثِمادِهِ
وَقَد زايَلَ البُهمى سَفا العِربِ ناصِلا
17. And it remembered of its days' remainder
Naught of the basin and drinking troughs except traces,
١٧. وَلَم يَتَذَكَّر مِن بَقِيَّةِ عَهدِهِ
مِنَ الحَوضِ وَالسُؤبانِ إِلّا صَلاصِلا
18. It harbored a deep sleep and the confines of a shelter,
Above which the tent ropes dangle.
١٨. فَأَجمادَ ذي رَقدٍ فَأَكنافَ ثادِقٍ
فَصارَةَ يوفي فَوقَها فَالأَعابِلا
19. The gentle breeze disappeared from its back's plains
So it straightened its course like a caravan.
١٩. وَزالَ النَسيلُ عَن زَحاليفِ مَتنِهِ
فَأَصبَحَ مُمتَدَّ الطَريقَةِ قافِلا
20. Its imagination turns affairs' edges
With another part of the night standing crooked.
٢٠. يُقَلِّبُ أَطرافَ الأُمورِ تَخالُهُ
بِأَحناءِ ساقٍ آخَرَ اللَيلِ ماثِلا
21. So after the calm it provoked her and she yielded,
And engendered a cleft like a mist's opening.
٢١. فَهَيَّجَها بَعدَ الخِلاجِ فَسامَحَت
وَأَنشَأَ جَوناً كَالضَبابَةِ جائِلا
22. The deaf tin resounds beneath its shadows
With a thud - neither hollow nor fading.
٢٢. يَفُلُّ الصَفيحَ الصُمَّ تَحتَ ظِلالِهِ
مِنَ الوَقعِ لا ضَحلاً وَلا مُتَضائِلا
23. He lodged in a land of secrets and witchcraft
And an inky darkness, fearing no entanglements.
٢٣. فَبَيَّتَ زُرقاً مِن سَرارٍ بِسُحرَةٍ
وَمِن دَحلَ لا يَخشى بِهِنَّ الحَبائِلا
24. Two years it endured the destroyer's madness
And encountered the grim faces of the troops.
٢٤. فَعاما جُنوحَ الهالِكِيِّ كِلاهُما
وَقَحَّمَ آذِيَّ السَرِيِّ الجَحافِلا
25. They hastened to its vulnerabilities so it was as though
For their sharp teeth it conceded a tusk.
٢٥. أَذَلِكَ أَم نَزرُ المَراتِعِ فادِرٌ
أَحَسَّ قَنيصاً بِالبَراعيمِ خاتِلا
26. It left them slain at every army's heels
You see the distance in their necks like caravans.
٢٦. فَباتَ إِلى أَرطاةِ حِقفٍ تَضُمُّهُ
شَآمِيَةٌ تُزجي الرَبابَ الهَواطِلا
27. They chose from a ghoul an ample torment
And from a white-blazed camel the carriers of litters.
٢٧. وَباتَ يُريدُ الكِنَّ لَو يَستَطيعُهُ
يُعالِجُ رَجّافاً مِنَ التُربِ غائِلا
28. We provided against separation in exile a need,
And a longing as though longing could be just.
٢٨. فَأَصبَحَ وَاِنشَقَّ الضَبابُ وَهاجَهُ
أَخو قَفرَةٍ يُشلي رَكاحاً وَسائِلا
29. Like the need one day before it from them
When at night they repelled with the dogs the beautiful camels.
٢٩. عَوابِسَ كَالنُشّابِ تَدمى نُحورُها
يَرَينَ دِماءَ الهادِياتِ نَوافِلا
30. They were delighted as though the she-camels called from the meadow
Were its meadows and the pregnant ones who bear.
٣٠. فَجالَ وَلَم يَعكِم لِغُضفٍ كَأَنَّها
دِقاقُ الشَعيلِ يَبتَدِرنَ الجَعائِلا
31. Bearing Shafib-branded she-camels when they took upon themselves
And the branding spurs goaded the pregnant camels along,
٣١. لَصائِدِها في الصَيدِ حَقٌّ وَطُعمَةٌ
وَيَخشى العَذابَ أَن يُعَرِّدَ ناكِلا
32. Bearing Musayyib-branded and Manchurian she-camels when they took upon themselves
A lineage and lofty camels with abundant burdens,
٣٢. قِتالَ كَمِيٍّ غابَ أَنصارُ ظَهرِهِ
وَلاقى الوُجوهَ المُنكَراتِ البَواسِلا
33. As though they were she-camels by a bard's melodies
Charmed while the drinking companion leads gently.
٣٣. يَسُرنَ إِلى عَوراتِهِ فَكَأَنَّما
لِلَبّاتِها يُنحي سِناناً وَعامِلا
34. Does and young she-camels, their necks compliant
With the yoke, even if their necks were not long.
٣٤. فَغادَرَها صَرعى لَدى كُلِّ مَزحَفٍ
تَرى القَدَّ في أَعناقِهِنَّ قَوافِلا
35. Chaste young brides over whom is diffidence
And noble helpers wearing garments.
٣٥. تَخَيَّرنَ مِن غَولٍ عِذاباً رَوِيَّةً
وَمِن مَنعِجٍ بيضَ الجِمامِ عَدامِلا
36. As though perfectly ripened fruits mixed in her talk
Sweet and dried from the exquisite sealed wine of Babylon
٣٦. وَقَد زَوَّدَت مِنّا عَلى النَأيِ حاجَةً
وَشَوقاً لَوَ أَنَّ الشَوقَ أَصبَحَ عادِلا
37. Which is poured over it from the radiance of lightning
That in the depth of night travels asking.
٣٧. كَحاجَةِ يَومٍ قَبلَ ذَلِكَ مِنهُمُ
عَشِيَّةَ رَدّوا بِالكُلابِ الجَمائِلا
38. Their livers white like goose eggs when they straighten their necks
And their joints.
٣٨. فَرُحنَ كَأَنَّ النادِياتِ مِنَ الصَفا
مَذارِعَها وَالكارِعاتِ الحَوامِلا
39. They have anklets of Raqi and agate
On the oaths of Persian caretakers who make fair judgments.
٣٩. بِذي شَطَبٍ أَحداجُها إِذ تَحَمَّلوا
وَحَثَّ الحُداةُ الناعِجاتِ الذَوامِلا
40. When they are brought out one day for their Lord
You would hear from an ecstatic musician a wailing song.
٤٠. بِذي الرِمثِ وَالطَرفاءِ لَمّا تَحَمَّلوا
أَصيلاً وَعالَينَ الحُمولَ الجَوافِلا
41. So if an abode becomes remote or a kinsman's time grows long
With consequences or old age becomes inclusive,
٤١. كَأَنَّ نِعاجاً مِن هَجائِنِ عازِفٍ
عَلَيها وَآرامَ السُلِيِّ الخَواذِلا
42. Then we might pasture one morning, and we are not neighbors
To the kings' realm, the coinage and the wash houses.
٤٢. جَعَلنَ حِراجَ القُرنَتَينِ وَناعِتاً
يَميناً وَنَكَّبنَ البَدِيَّ شَمائِلا
43. Nights beneath the tent walls, a summer residence
Of leather, frequents the midwives' huts.
٤٣. وَعالَينَ مَضعوفاً وَفَرداً سُموطُهُ
جُمانٌ وَمَرجانٌ يَشُدُّ المَفاصِلا
44. The rheum of tender glances slept, its coverlets cheap,
In Suwaylim, from Duhayshah, the quarrelsome.
٤٤. يَرُضنَ صِعابَ الدُرِّ في كُلِّ حِجَّةٍ
وَلَو لَم تَكُن أَعناقُهُنَّ عَواطِلا
45. The range of vision from it to keep an eye on with vigilance
Is like the measure for the brave of what the struggling endures.
٤٥. غَرائِرُ أَبكارٌ عَلَيها مَهابَةٌ
وَعونٌ كِرامٌ يَرتَدَينَ الوَصائِلا
46. So she returned to visit between us and was altered
And said, "Enough - old age is lethal for a man."
٤٦. كَأَنَّ الشَمولَ خالَطَت في كَلامِها
جَنِيّاً مِنَ الرُمّانِ لَدناً وَذابِلا
47. She blames destruction without being misguided
And do I possess what I held back, if I were stingy?
٤٧. لَذيذاً وَمَنقوفاً بِصافي مَخيلَةٍ
مِنَ الناصِعِ المَختومِ مِن خَمرِ بابِلا
48. I saw piety and praise as the best commerce -
Profit, when a man becomes heavy
٤٨. يُشَنُّ عَلَيها مِن سُلافَةِ بارِقٍ
سَناً رَصَفاً مِن آخِرِ اللَيلِ سائِلا
49. And is it not but what he built in his life
When they hurl over the tomb dirt and spades
٤٩. تُضَمَّنُ بيضاً كَالإِوَزِّ ظُروفُها
إِذا أَتأَقوا أَعناقَها وَالحَواصِلا
50. And praise him for what he had
As the fingernails bite into him.
٥٠. لَها غَلَلٌ مِن رازِقِيٍّ وَكُرسُفٍ
بِأَيمانِ عُجمٍ يَنصُفونَ المَقاوِلا
51. So leave off this - it has passed away
Andbusy the deliverer of worries if you travel
٥١. إِذا صُفِّقَت يَوماً لِأَربابِ رَبِّها
سَمِعتَ لَها مِن واكِفِ العُطبِ واشِلا
52. Requesting the hospitality of a journey laid bare after exhaustion
A spring and summer in the resting places complete
٥٢. فَإِن تَنأَ دارٌ أَو يَطُل عَهدُ خُلَّةٍ
بِعاقِبَةٍ أَو يُصبِحِ الشَيبُ شامِلا
53. So I rewarded her for what was laid bare and became eternal
For she would compete with the beautiful camels.
٥٣. فَقَد نَرتَعي سَبتاً وَلَسنا بِجيرَةٍ
مَحَلَّ المُلوكِ نُقدَةً فَالمَغاسِلا
54. It turned like the bending of the sword, its blade gleaming
Over every brave one who splits skulls.
٥٤. لَيالِيَ تَحتَ الخِدرِ ثِنيُ مُصيفَةٍ
مِنَ الأُدمِ تَرتادُ الشُروجَ القَوابِلا
55. So it turned away my basin, heedless of its roses,
Inclining in the gardens of reeds, covered in mange.
٥٥. أَنامَت غَضيضَ الطَرفِ رَخصاً ظُلوفُهُ
بِذاتِ السُلَيمِ مِن دُحَيضَةَ جادِلا
56. With that I console a need, if I attain it
And relieve a worry that was inside my chest
٥٦. مَدى العَينِ مِنها أَن يُراعَ بِنَجوَةٍ
كَقَدرِ النَجيثِ ما يَبُذُّ المُناضِلا
57. I repay and grant this guide his judgment
If he is worthy of honor and connection
٥٧. فَعادَت عَوادٍ بَينَنا وَتَنَكَّرَت
وَقالَت كَفى بِالشَيبِ لِلمَرءِ قاتِلا
58. And if I bring it to him I shall divert it if I fear betrayal
And restrain the fist of stinginess if he is stingy.
٥٨. تَلومُ عَلى الإِهلاكِ في غَيرِ ضَلَّةٍ
وَهَل لِيَ ما أَمسَكتُ إِن كُنتُ باخِلا
59. The clan of 'Amir are the best of tribes I knew
Even if enemies falsely spoke lies and falsehood
٥٩. رَأَيتُ التُقى وَالحَمدَ خَيرَ تِجارَةٍ
رَباحاً إِذا ما المَرءُ أَصبَحَ ثاقِلا
60. For them are endless councils of dew
Nor does the ignorance of the ignorant harm them
٦٠. وَهَل هُوَ إِلّا ما اِبتَنى في حَياتِهِ
إِذا قَذَفوا فَوقَ الضَريحِ الجَنادِلا
61. Whites over the fires in times of chill
Nights of supper, deterring the mischievous
٦١. وَأَثنَوا عَلَيهِ بِالَّذي كانَ عِندَهُ
وَعَضَّ عَلَيهِ العائِداتُ الأَنامِلا
62. They established rights, made them hereditary
Bones of effort and fasting in abundance
٦٢. فَدَع عَنكَ هَذا قَد مَضى لِسَبيلِهِ
وَكَلِّف نَجِيَّ الهَمِّ إِن كُنتَ راحِلا
63. Their north wind distributes its bones
When Najd drives away the mirages.
٦٣. طَليحَ سَفارٍ عُرِّيَت بَعدَ بَذلَةٍ
رَبيعاً وَصَيفاً بِالمَضاجِعِ كامِلا
64. Nobles, if the caravans come it is delightful
Vats - they do not desire in wine a defect
٦٤. فَجازَيتُها ما عُرِّيَت وَتَأَبَّدَت
وَكانَت تُسامي بِالغَريفِ الجَمائِلا
65. If they drink, they deter intrigues from themselves
For of old they would silence intrigues
٦٥. وَوَلّى كَنَصلِ السَيفِ يَبرُقُ مَتنُهُ
عَلى كُلِّ إِجرَيّا يَشُقُّ الخَمائِلا
66. So do not ask us and ask about our afflictions
Iyad, Kalb, Ma'add, and Qays
٦٦. فَنَكَّبَ حَوضى ما يَهُمُّ بِوِردِها
يَميلُ بِصَحراءِ القَنانَينِ جاذِلا
67. And Tamim whom Kinadah toured
And when the settlements came upon you
٦٧. بِتِلكَ أُسَلّي حاجَةً إِن ضَمِنتُها
وَأُبرِئُ هَمّاً كانَ في الصَدرِ داخِلا
68. In them, for our accounts, are affliction and bounty
And our endeavor for glory was not neglectful
٦٨. أُجازي وَأُعطي ذا الدِلالِ بِحُكمِهِ
إِذا كانَ أَهلاً لِلكَرامَةِ واصِلا
69. They are my people, if you meet their elite
You will find them practicing glory and nobility
٦٩. وَإِن آتِهِ أَصرِف إِذا خِفتُ نَبوَةً
وَأَحبِس قَلوصَ الشُحِّ إِن كانَ باخِلا
70. They will never lack in war a seasoned lion
Or one equal when disaster strikes, ready to sacrifice
٧٠. بَنو عامِرٍ مِن خَيرِ حَيٍّ عَلِمتُهُم
وَلَو نَطَقَ الأَعداءُ زوراً وَباطِلا
71. And a fluent one who dons his armor for the fray
An orator, when the throngs gather, judicious
٧١. لَهُم مَجلِسٌ لا يُحصَرونَ عَنِ النَدى
وَلا يَزدَهيهِم جَهلُ مَن كانَ جاهِلا
72. And one we trained without his bridle
Who walks in the township restrained
٧٢. وَبيضٌ عَلى النيرانِ في كُلِّ شَتوَةٍ
سَراةَ العِشاءِ يَزجُرونَ المَسابِلا
73. And Mashi'ala, a she-camel made for racing, as though her steeds
Are pigeons competing at dusk with the lowly
٧٣. وَأَعطَوا حُقوقاً ضُمِّنوها وِراثَةً
عِظامَ الجِفانِ وَالصِيامَ الحَوافِلا
74. They have a loftiness wherein the iron is dense
You see the distance in their necks and their litter panniers
٧٤. تُوَزِّعُ صُرّادَ الشَمالِ جِفانُهُم
إِذا أَصبَحَت نَجدٌ تَسوقُ الأَفائِلا
75. We struck the people's elites until they hastily went
With bundles while the young camels carried the burdens
٧٥. كِرامٌ إِذا نابَ التِجارُ أَلِذَّةٌ
مَخاريقُ لا يَرجونَ لِلخَمرِ واغِلا
76. We fulfill glory for the neighbor and we were raised
In action, and we defeat the disputant adversary
٧٦. إِذا شَرِبوا صَدّوا العَواذِلَ عَنهُمُ
وَكانوا قَديماً يُسكِتونَ العَواذِلا
77. We have an exemplary Sunnah we follow
And it legislated loyalty for our descendants
٧٧. فَلا تَسأَلينا وَاِسأَلي عَن بَلائِنا
إِياداً وَكَلباً مِن مَعَدٍّ وَوائِلا
78. Something that a people desiring to destroy it
Vacillate - extensive treason vacillating
٧٨. وَقَيساً وَمَن لَفَّت تَميمٌ وَمَذحِجاً
وَكِندَةَ إِذ وافَت عَلَيكِ المَنازِلا
79. We were patient with them in every significant day
With our swords until we surmounted the inheritances
٧٩. لِأَحسابِنا فيهِم بَلاءٌ وَنِعمَةٌ
وَلَم يَكُ ساعينا عَنِ المَجدِ غافِلا
80. And if you ask about them in every raid
Then perhaps the reports will inform one who asks
٨٠. أولَئِكَ قَومي إِن تُلاقِ سَراتَهُم
تَجِدهُم يَأُمّونَ العُلا وَالفَواضِلا
81. They are my people, if you inquire about their tents
Then the news will inform the ignorant one
٨١. وَلَن يَعدَموا في الحَربِ لَيثاً مُجَرَّباً
وَذا نَزَلٍ عِندَ الرَزِيَّةِ باذِلا
٨٢. وَأَبيَضَ يَجتابُ الخُروقَ عَلى الوَجى
خَطيباً إِذا اِلتَفَّ المَجامِعُ فاصِلا
٨٣. وَعانٍ فَكَكناهُ بِغَيرِ سِوامِهِ
فَأَصبَحَ يَمشي في المَحَلَّةِ جاذِلا
٨٤. وَمُشعِلَةً رَهواً كَأَنَّ جِيادَها
حَمامٌ تُباري بِالعَشِيِّ سَوافِلا
٨٥. لَهُم فَخمَةٌ فيها الحَديدُ كَثيفَةٌ
تَرى البيضَ في أَعناقِهِم وَالمَعابِلا
٨٦. ضَرَبنا سَراةَ القَومِ حَتّى تَوَجَّهوا
سِراعاً وَقَد بَلَّ النَجيعُ المَحامِلا
٨٧. نُؤَدّي العَظيمَ لِلجِوارِ وَنَبتَني
فَعالاً وَقَد نُنكي العَدُوَّ المُساجِلا
٨٨. لَنا سُنَّةٌ عادِيَّةٌ نَقتَدي بِها
وَسَنَّت لِأُخرانا وَفاءً وَنائِلا
٨٩. يُذَبذِبُ أَقواماً يُريدونَ هَدمَها
نِيافٌ يَبُذُّ الواسِعُ المُتَطاوِلا
٩٠. صَبَرنا لَهُم في كُلِّ يَومِ عَظيمَةٍ
بِأَسيافِنا حَتّى عَلَونا المَناقِلا
٩١. وَإِن تَسأَلوا عَنهُم لَدى كُلِّ غارَةٍ
فَقَد يُنبَأُ الأَخبارَ مَن كانَ سائِلا
٩٢. أولَئِكَ قَومي إِن سَأَلتَ بِخيمِهِم
وَقَد يُخبَرُ الأَنباءَ مَن كانَ جاهِلا