
She saw me grow pale and my body waste away,

رأتني قد شحبت وسل جسمي

1. She saw me grow pale and my body waste away,
Seekers of relief from worries,

١. رَأَتني قَد شَحَبتُ وَسَلَّ جِسمي
طِلابُ النازِحاتِ مِنَ الهُمومِ

2. And how much have I faced after you
Of matters and terrors harder for me to bear.

٢. وَكَم لاقَيتُ بَعدَكِ مِن أُمورٍ
وَأَهوالٍ أَشُدُّ لَها حَزيمي

3. I take them on and they know my inclination
Hastens towards the structure of grave affairs,

٣. أُكَلِّفُها وَتَعلَمُ أَنَّ هَوئي
يُسارِعُ في بُنى الأَمرِ الجَسيمِ

4. And an opponent whom I have warded off harm from
Without the malignity of conflict and ill omens,

٤. وَخَصمٍ قَد أَقَمتُ الدَرءَ مِنهُ
بِلا نَزِقِ الخِصامِ وَلا سَؤومِ

5. And a lord whom I have averted injustice from
And he has attained the station of the oppressed,

٥. وَمَولىً قَد دَفَعتُ الضَيمَ عَنهُ
وَقَد أَمسى بِمَنزِلَةِ المَضيمِ

6. And a rent which I have mended with patches
That fill the gashes and the flesh,

٦. وَخَرقٍ قَد قَطَعتُ بِيَعمَلاتٍ
مُمَلّاتِ المَناسِمِ وَاللُحومِ

7. Like the shawls of nomads that are patched
Every day with scraps like tattered cloaks,

٧. كَساهُنَّ الهَواجِرُ كُلَّ يَومٍ
رَجيعاً بِالمَغابِنِ كَالعَصيمِ

8. When the wild cats growl they take fright at it
And seek refuge in their filthy lairs,

٨. إِذا هَجَدَ القَطا أَفزَعنَ مِنهُ
أَوامِنَ في مُعَرَّسَهِ الجُثومِ

9. They departed to hardship and great tribulation
For the nomads and poison of asps,

٩. رَحَلنَ لِشُقَّةٍ وَنَصَبنَ نَصباً
لِوَغراتِ الهَواجِرِ وَالسَمومِ

10. So they were their ships and endured with stoicism
Five in a turbulent, stormy sea,

١٠. فَكُنَّ سَفينَها وَضَرَبنَ جَأشاً
لِخَمسٍ في مُلَجِّجَةٍ أَزومِ

11. I came to their settlements disheveled
And unkempt, covered in dust,

١١. أَجَزتُ إِلى مَعارِفِها بِشُعثٍ
وَأَطلاحٍ مِنَ العيدِيِّ هيمِ

12. They probed with their tent pegs until they pitched
On level ground with passages like Sodom’s,

١٢. فَخُضنَ نِياطَها حَتّى أُنيخَت
عَلى عافٍ مَدارِجُهُ سَدومِ

13. No, by your father, none alive is like
A neighbor who has lodged among them or a guest,

١٣. فَلا وَأَبيكَ ما حَيٌّ كَحَيٍّ
لِجارٍ حَلَّ فيهِم أَو عَديمِ

14. Nor for the traveler if the night surprises him
With mouthfuls of lint and straw.

١٤. وَلا لِلضَيفِ إِن طَرَقَت بِلَيلٌ
بِأَفنانِ العِضاهِ وَبِالهَشيمِ

15. The winds blew freely without rain
To the rooms, hastening the cool breeze,

١٥. وَروِّحَتِ اللِقاحُ بِغَيرِ دَرٍّ
إِلى الحُجُراتِ تُعجِلُ بِالرَسيمِ

16. And its youths wandered without any guide
In the abode of winds, wandering in the gloom.

١٦. وَخَوَّدَ فَحلُها مِن غَيرِ شَلٍّ
بِدارَ الريحِ تَخويدَ الظَليمِ

17. When its houses lack provisions for a guest
Their cooking pots provide for him from the fats,

١٧. إِذا ما دَرُّها لَم يَقرِ ضَيفاً
ضَمِنَّ لَهُ قِراهُ مِنَ الشُحومِ

18. We do not slight their lean cuts
For the virgin hump and haunches,

١٨. فَلا نَتَجاوَزُ العَطِلاتِ مِنها
إِلى البَكرِ المُقارِبِ وَالكَزومِ

19. But we bite with the sword from them
At the markets of meaty forelegs heaped up,

١٩. وَلَكِنّا نُعِضُّ السَيفَ مِنها
بِأَسوُقِ عافِياتِ اللَحمِ كومِ

20. And how many among us when the abode displays
The people's meanness despite easy living,

٢٠. وَكَم فينا إِذا ما المَحلُ أَبدى
نُحاسَ القَومِ مِن سَمحٍ هَضومِ

21. They vie with the wind, no weaklings they,
Their manliness not buried away, worthless.

٢١. يُباري الريحَ لَيسَ بِجانِبِيٍّ
وَلا دَفِنٍ مُروءَتُهُ لَئيمِ

22. If you count the ancients, you will find among us
Generosities like those counted among the ancients,

٢٢. إِذا عُدَّ القَديمُ وَجَدتَ فينا
كَرائِمَ ما يُعَدُّ مِنَ القَديمِ

23. You will find glory and hospitality among us,
Subduers of great deeds and archers.

٢٣. وَجَدتَ الجاهَ وَالآكالَ فينا
وَعادِيَّ المَآثِرِ وَالأَرومِ