1. Leave blame aside or split me like a cracked jug,
For I disobeyed before this day, and was not obedient.
١. دَعي اللَومَ أَو بيني كَشِقِّ صَديعِ
فَقَد لُمتِ قَبلَ اليَومِ غَيرَ مُطيعِ
2. And if you wish to part from me, then part,
Due to scattered affairs or for a collective matter.
٢. وَإِن كُنتِ تَهوَينَ الفِراقَ فَفارِقي
لِأَمرِ شَتاتٍ أَو لِأَمرِ جَميعِ
3. If I had hoarded my wealth and its yield,
Holding back stingily like a miser.
٣. فَلَو أَنَّني ثَمَّرتُ مالي وَنَسلَهُ
وَأَمسَكتُ إِمساكاً كَبُخلِ مَنيعِ
4. You would have been content with our meager living and thanked me
If I acted meanly and was ungenerous.
٤. رَضيتِ بِأَدنى عَيشِنا وَحَمِدتِنا
إِذا صَدَرَت عَن قارِصٍ وَنَقيعِ
5. But my wealth - every blink wasted it
When the time of giving came, I poured it out in tears.
٥. وَلَكِنَّ مالي غالَهُ كُلُّ جَفنَةٍ
إِذا حانَ وِردٌ أَسبَلَت بِدُموعِ
6. And giving to my Master in His time of need
When He says "Look upon my isolation and humility."
٦. وَإِعطائِيَ المَولى عَلى حينِ فَقرِهِ
إِذا قالَ أَبصِر خَلَّتي وَخُشوعي
7. I dropped the hostility of adversaries like Jinn's shouting
With a harvester having bitterness and leanness.
٧. وَخَصمٍ كَنادي الجِنِّ أَسقَطتُ شَأوَهُم
بِمُستَحصِدٍ ذي مِرَّةٍ وَصُروعِ
8. Like the adversaries of Badr's sons, the morning I met them
And before that I had set right warding off of spring.
٨. كَخَصمِ بَني بَدرٍ غَداةَ لَقيتُهُم
وَمِن قَبلُ قَد قَوَّمتُ دَرءَ رَبيعِ