1. For Allah is the best bonus of life
And to Him belong the Supreme and furnishings of every adorned palace
١. لِلَّهِ نافِلَةُ الأَجَلِّ الأَفضَلِ
وَلَهُ العُلى وَأَثيثُ كُلِّ مُؤَثَّلِ
2. People cannot erase His book
How so when His decree does not change
٢. لا يَستَطيعُ الناسُ مَحوَ كِتابِهِ
أَنّى وَلَيسَ قَضائُهُ بِمُبَدَّلِ
3. He leveled and then closed without the dome of His throne
Seven heavens above the pillar of the litter
٣. سَوّى فَأَغلَقَ دونَ غُرَّةِ عَرشِهِ
سَبعاً طِباقاً فَوقَ فَرعِ المَنقَلِ
4. And the earth beneath them as a steady cradle
Its mountains established by the grip of peg
٤. وَالأَرضَ تَحتَهُمُ مِهاداً راسِياً
ثَبَتَت خَوالِقُها بِصُمِّ الجَندَلِ
5. And the water and fire are among His signs
In them is an admonition for those who do not ignore
٥. وَالماءُ وَالنيرانُ مِن آياتِهِ
فيهِنَّ مَوعِظَةٌ لِمَن لَم يَجهَلِ
6. Rather, all your efforts are in vain except piety
So when a thing ends it is as if it never happened
٦. بَل كُلُّ سَعيِكَ باطِلٌ إِلّا التُقى
فَإِذا اِنقَضى شَيءٌ كَأَن لَم يُفعَلِ
7. If something were everlasting, the protected
Ones would roam the pastures freely
٧. لَوكانَ شَيءٌ خالِداً لَتَواءَلَت
عَصماءُ مُؤلِفَةٌ ضَواحِيَ مَأسَلِ
8. With their shade and leaves of basil, and beneath
A rugged mountain their yards slipping with smooth stone
٨. بِظُلوفِها وَرَقُ البَشامِ وَدونَها
صَعبٌ تَزِلُّ سَراتُهُ بِالأَجدَلِ
9. Or one with extensions, no land surrounding
Covering the confused like unleashed sins
٩. أَو ذو زَوائِدَ لا يُطافُ بِأَرضِهِ
يَغشى المُهَجهَجَ كَالذَنوبِ المُرسَلِ
10. In its fang a curve exceeding its cheek
And opposing the highest behind the lowest
١٠. في نابِهِ عِوَجٌ يُجاوِزُ شِدقَهُ
وَيُخالِفُ الأَعلى وَراءَ الأَسفَلِ
11. So the corruption of time afflicted it
And its fangs became like fragmented glass
١١. فَأَصابَهُ رَيبُ الزَمانِ فَأَصبَحَت
أَنيابُهُ مِثلَ الزِجاجِ النُصَّلِ
12. Dawn had seen the darkness of his friend
Among the standing of his sword and scabbard
١٢. وَلَقَد رَأى صُبحٌ سَوادَ خَليلِهِ
مِن بَينِ قائِمِ سَيفِهِ وَالمِحمَلِ
13. They bid farewell a farewell when his separation was right
So the departing one met farewell who did not neglect
١٣. صَبَّحنَ صُبحاً حينَ حُقَّ حِذارُهُ
فَأَصابَ صُبحاً قائِفٌ لَم يَغفَلِ
14. Their embrace folded and dawn beneath
Between the dust and the tilting of the skull
١٤. فَاِلتَفَّ صَفقُهُما وَصُبحٌ تَحتَهُ
بَينَ التُرابِ وَبَينَ حِنوِ الكَلكَلِ
15. And Lu'bud had certainly flowed, so the corruption of time overtook his flow
And he had not been burdened
١٥. وَلَقَد جَرى لُبَدٌ فَأَدرَكَ جَريَهُ
رَيبُ الزَمانِ وَكانَ غَيرَ مُثَقَّلِ
16. When Lu'bud saw the eagles take flight
He lifted the newcomers like a poor unarmed man
١٦. لَمّا رَأى لُبَدُ النُسورِ تَطايَرَت
رَفَعَ القَوادِمَ كَالفَقيرِ الأَعزَلِ
17. Beneath him Luqman hoped for its ascension
And Luqman had seen he would not be idle
١٧. مِن تَحتِهِ لُقمانُ يَرجو نَهضَهُ
وَلَقَد رَأى لُقمانُ أَن لا يَأتَلي
18. The nights overcame the progeny of Muharriq
And as they did to Tubba and to Hiraql
١٨. غَلَبَ اللَيالي خَلفَ آلِ مُحَرِّقٍ
وَكَما فَعَلنَ بِتُبَّعٍ وَبِهِرقَلِ
19. And they overcame Abraha whom they befriended
He had supposedly immortalized atop the pavilion of Ma'kil
١٩. وَغَلَبنَ أَبرَهَةَ الَّذي أَلفَينَهُ
قَد كانَ خَلَّدَ فَوقَ غُرفَةِ مَوكِلِ
20. And Al-Harith the warrior lived intelligently
In a house he resided and did not move
٢٠. وَالحارِثُ الحَرّابُ خَلّى عاقِلاً
داراً أَقامَ بِها وَلَم يَتَنَقَّلِ
21. His treasures flowed upon who succeeded him
Like the Euphrates over the bed of a stream
٢١. تَجري خَزائِنُهُ عَلى مَن نابَهُ
مَجرى الفُراتِ عَلى فِراضِ الجَدوَلِ
22. Until his family and leader bore it
And their master stayed and did not burden
٢٢. حَتّى تَحَمَّلَ أَهلُهُ وَقَطينُهُ
وَأَقامَ سَيِّدُهُم وَلَم يَتَحَمَّلِ
23. And the eloquent poets I see them
Take the path of Muraqqish and Muhallil
٢٣. وَالشاعِرونَ الناطِقونَ أَراهُمُ
سَلَكوا سَبيلَ مُرَقِّشٍ وَمُهَلهِلِ