
You boast to me of Yashkur son of Bakr,

فاخرتني بيشكر بن بكر

1. You boast to me of Yashkur son of Bakr,
And the people of Qurran and Hajar,

١. فاخَرَتني بِيَشكُرَ بنِ بَكرِ
وَأَهلِ قُرّانَ وَأَهلِ حَجرِ

2. And the two tribes by the sword of the sea,
That was a time when you were in need of aid.

٢. وَالزُنمَتَينِ عِندَ سَيفِ البَحرِ
ذاكَ أَوانَ اِفتَقَرَت لِلنَصرِ