
Our refuge crumbled and the place was left in ruins

لله غارتنا والمحل قد شجيت

1. Our refuge crumbled and the place was left in ruins
The lands around it laid bare and vacant

١. لِلَّهِ غارَتُنا وَالمَحلُ قَد شَجِيَت
مِنهُ البِلادُ فَصارَ الأُفقُ عُريانا

2. Until we poured on Hamdan a torrent
Of dogs' piss for they were nothing to us

٢. حَتّى صَبَبنا عَلى هَمدانَ صَيَّقَةً
سُؤُرَ الكِلابِ وَما كانوا لَنا شانا

3. So a day remained where we left no ones face or name
That we did not strike down in that place

٣. فَظَلَّ بِالقاعِ يَومٌ لَم نَدَع كَتَداً
إِلّا ضَرَبنا وَلا وَجهاً وَلا شانا

4. Then we moved on and their wretchedness persisted
Until we flooded pipelines and cisterns

٤. ثُمَّ نَزَعنا وَما اِنفَكَّت شَقاوَتَهُم
حَتّى سَقَينا أَنابيباً وَخِرصانا

5. It was not our intent to harm without cause
But it came to pass as providence ordained

٥. وَما أَرَدناهُمُ عَن غَيرِ مَعذِرَةٍ
مِنّا وَلَكِنَّهُ قَد كانَ ما كانا

6. We sought the tribe of Banu Nahd and their kin
Though not by malice, but God willed Hamdan

٦. سِرنا نُريدُ بَني نَهدٍ وَإِخوَتَهُم
جَرماً وَلَكِن أَرادَ اللَهُ هَمدانا