
War has learned that I am its son

لقد تعلم الحرب أني ابنها

1. War has learned that I am its son
And that I am the one who teaches it valor

١. لَقَد تَعلَمُ الحَربُ أَنّي اِبنُها
وَأَنّي الهُمامُ بِها المُعلِمُ

2. And that I attain glorious heights
Of supreme glory and honor

٢. وَأَنّي أَحُلُّ عَلى رَهوَةٍ
مِنَ المَجدِ في الشَرَفِ الأَعظَمِ

3. And that I don my coat of mail
When fury and rage intensify

٣. وَأَنّي أُشَمِّصُ بِالدارِعي
نَ في ثَورَةِ الرَهَجِ الأَقتَمِ

4. And that I attack when they hesitate
With a blow more gracious than the bending of a laden branch

٤. وَأَنّي أَكُرُّ إِذا أَحجَموا
بِأَكرَمَ مِن عَطفَةِ الضَيغَمِ

5. And I strike with the sword on the day of battle
Leading the necks of foes to the slaughter

٥. وَأَضرِبُ بِالسَيفِ يَومَ الوَغى
أَقُدُّ بِهِ حَلَقَ المُبرَمِ

6. Such is my equipment if only the valiant man
Could live beyond destruction and ruin

٦. فَهَذا عَتادي لَوَ أَنَّ الفَتى
يُعَمَّرُ في غَيرِ ما مَهرَمِ

7. And the living one from 'Amir has learned
That we possess the highest and mightiest of statures

٧. وَقَد عَلِمَ الحَيُّ مِن عامِرٍ
بِأَنَّ لَنا ذِروَةَ الأَجسَمِ

8. And that we are the first chargers on the day of battle
When the horsemen do not advance

٨. وَأَنّا المَصاليتُ يَومَ الوَغى
إِذا ما العَواويرُ لَم تُقدِمِ