
When your mothers' ropes are untied

إني إذا انتترت أصرة أمكم

1. When your mothers' ropes are untied
By one called to ride his stallion, mount!

١. إِنّي إِذا اِنتَتَرَت أَصِرَّةُ أُمَّكُم
مِمَّن يُقالُ لَهُ تَسَربَل فَاِركَبِ

2. No harm. She has bitten with her bridle
And left the bravest like dry kindling wood

٢. لا ضَيرَ قَد حَكَّت بِمُرَّةَ بَركَها
وَتَرَكنَ أَشجَعَ مِثلَ خُشبِ الأَثأَبِ

3. They do not ask for the daughters of the generous
And their mothers grow old before being asked for

٣. لا يَخطُبونَ إِلى الكِرامِ بَناتِهِم
وَتَشيبُ أَيُّمُهُم وَلَمّا تُخطَبِ

4. Did you rejoice that time betrayed a horseman
Mangy dogs while I was not defeated

٤. أَفَرِحتَ أَن غَدَرَ الزَمانُ بِفارِسٍ
قُلحَ الكِلابِ وَكُنتُ غَيرَ مُغَلَّبِ

5. O Murr, time has attacked you
And torn your wounds when you fell

٥. يا مُرَّ قَد كَلِبَ الزَمانُ عَلَيكُمُ
وَنَكَأتُ قَرحَتَكُم وَلَمّا أُنكَبِ

6. And left their group to the stupidity of vain one
Prey for beasts and every vulture pecking

٦. وَتَرَكتُ جَمعَهُمُ بِلابَةِ ضَرغَدٍ
جَزَرَ السِباعِ وَكُلِّ نَسرٍ أَهدَبِ

7. And I made the horses trample your lands
In the midst of homes with every torn robe

٧. وَلَقَد أَبَلتُ الخَيلَ في عَرَصاتِكُم
وَسطَ الدِيارِ بِكُلِّ خِرقٍ مِحرَبِ

8. And quenched my soul’s thirst for they
Are people of action and victorious people

٨. وَشَفَيتُ نَفسي مِن فَزارَةَ إِنَّهُم
أَهلُ الفَعالِ وَأَهلُ عِزٍّ أَغلَبِ

9. You have falsely boasted of what you enumerated
So when you come to the homes of your people, take account

٩. وَلَقَد فَخَرتَ بِباطِلٍ عَدَّدتَهُ
فَإِذا أَتَيتَ بُيوتَ قَومِكَ فَاِحسُبِ

10. For you will be told by one who misses her
Whose tears flow with tears she will pour

١٠. فَلَتُخبِرَنَّكَ فاقِدٌ عَن شَجوِها
حَذِلٌ مَدامِعُها بِدَمعٍ سَيكَبِ

11. And you have reached our horses and disliked them
And diverted their spears from the gaping maw

١١. وَلَقَد لَحِقتَ بِخَيلِنا فَكَرِهتَها
وَصَدَدتَ عَن خَيشومِها المُستَكلِبِ

12. The sons of Fazarah ascended the hill
And the living are most courageous, having shot with a bow

١٢. فَبَني فَزارَةَ قَد عَلَونَ بِكَلكَلٍ
وَالحَيَّ أَشجَعَ قَد رَمَينَ بِمَنكِبِ

13. They left nine of them in the battlefield
And three were paired off in the mountain pass

١٣. غادَرنَ مِنهُم تِسعَةً في مَعرَكٍ
وَثَلاثَةٌ قَرَّنَّهُم في المِشعَبِ