1. We spurred our steeds until we overwhelmed them,
And by sheer force took control and settled in.
١. نَحنُ قُدنا الجِيادَ حَتّى أَبَلنا
ها بِثَهلانَ عَنوَةً فَاِستَقَرَّت
2. I drove back those cornered until they threw me
Among raging horses that then scattered about.
٢. وَزَجَرتُ المَزنوقَ حَتّى رَمى بي
وَسطَ خَيلٍ مَلمومَةٍ فَاِبذَعَرَّت
3. At dawn we were frowning, bitter was the cup
In regions of their homes that we overran.
٣. وَصَبَحنا عَبساً وَمُرَّةَ كَأساً
في نَواحي دِيارِهِم فَاِسبَطَرَّت
4. And steeds we have, we train them for the charge
Whenever a raid appears and stirs alarm.
٤. وَجِياداً لَنا نُعَوِّدُها الإِق
دامَ إِن غارَةٌ بَدَت وَاِزبَأَرَّت
5. War mounts like hyenas, disheveled manes,
We carried off from their settlements in haste.
٥. مُقرَباتٍ كَالهيمِ شُعثَ النَواصي
قَد رَفَعنا مِن حُضرِها فَاِستَدَرَّت
6. With youths from Omar striking the white
When horses in the strait shuddered in fear.
٦. بِشَبابٍ مِن عامِرٍ تَضرِبُ البَي
ضَ إِذا الخَيلُ بِالمَضيقِ اِقشَعَرَّت
7. In a strait where stallions take flight,
When their lead mares fled in panic and alarm.
٧. بِمَضيقٍ تَطيرُ فيهِ العَوالي
حينَ هَرَّت كُماتُها وَاِستَحَرَّت
8. They strike the lead mare in the frenzy of battle
When their war flares up with snarls and growls.
٨. يَضرِبونَ الكُماةَ في ثَورَةِ النَق
عِ إِذا حَربُهُم بَدَت وَاِسجَهَرَّت
9. Raising clamor after rest,
With snorting of an eager steed in alarm.
٩. وَأَثارَت عَجاجَةً بَعدَ نَقعٍ
وَصَهيلٍ مُستَرعَدٍ فَاِكفَهَرَّت
10. With steeds that attacked in a mighty troop
And inflicted losses, causing injury.
١٠. بِجِيادٍ غَدَت بِجَمعٍ عَزيزٍ
وَأَصابَت عُداتَها فَأَضَرَّت