
Who will inform Ziyad when at dawn

ألا من مبلغ عني زيادا

1. Who will inform Ziyad when at dawn
The horses of Bani Kilab return

١. أَلا مَن مُبلِغٌ عَنّي زِياداً
غَداةَ القاعِ إِذ أَزِفَ الضِرابُ

2. With blood dripping from their bits
After the battle at Al-Qa'a?

٢. غَداةَ تَثوبُ خَيلُ بَني كِلابٍ
عَلى لَبّاتِها عَلَقٌ يُشابُ

3. For we govern every day
With wisdom clarifying the right way.

٣. فَإِنَّ لَنا حُكومَةَ كُلَّ يَومٍ
يُبَيَّنُ في مَفاصِلِهِ الصَوابُ

4. I will rule without bias or ignorance
If an answer is asked for in governance,

٤. وَإِنّي سَوفَ أَحكُمُ غَيرَ عادٍ
وَلا قَذِعٍ إِذا اِلتُمِسَ الجَوابُ

5. The rule of one cautious, no fault in it,
Even if the people are roused by speech.

٥. حُكومَةَ حازِمٍ لا عَيبَ فيها
إِذا ما القَومُ كَظَّهُمُ الخِطابُ

6. Patience restrains the impetuous steed
While foolishness is urged on by youth.

٦. فَإِنَّ مَطيَّةَ الحِلمِ التَأَنّي
عَلى مَهَلٍ وَلِلجَهلِ الشَبابُ

7. Ignorance comes not from age but
From spurring speech without curb.

٧. وَلَيسَ الجَهلُ عَن سِنٍّ وَلَكِن
غَدَت بِنَوافِذِ القَولِ الرِكابُ

8. The envoys advised in vain the hostile clan,
Who returned no answer to their words

٨. فَإِنَّ بَني بَغيضٍ قَد أَتاهُم
رَسولُ الناصِحينَ فَما أَجابوا

9. Until patience left and the veil was torn
And my speech made known what you have heard.

٩. وَلا رَدّوا مَحورَةَ ذاكَ حَتّى
أَتانا الحِلمُ وَاِنخَرَقَ الحِجابُ

10. My horses are free to graze the meadows
When the cowardly birds take wing in dread,

١٠. فَإِنَّ مَقالَتي ما قَد عَلِمتُم
وَخَيلي قَد يَحِلُّ لَها النَهابُ

11. As they race to a hostile people's plain
And leave them vanquished, ruined and dead.

١١. إِذا يَمَّمنَ خَيلاً مُسرِعاتٍ
جَرى بِنُحوسِ طَيرِهُمُ الغُرابُ