1. Ask the caravans if they watered the fevered camels
With dew, so Allah watered the fevered and I.
١. أَلا فَاِسأَلِ الرُكبانَ هَل سُقِيَ الحِمى
نَدىً فَسَقى اللَهُ الحِمى وَسَقانِيا
2. And ask those I met about Umm Malik's mother -
Do the living ask the well how I fare?
٢. وَأَسأَل مَن لاقَيتُ عَن أُمِّ مالِكٍ
فَهَل يَسأَلانِ الحَيَّ عَن كَيفَ حالِيا
3. I bade them farewell laughing
As I went to her, not knowing we'd never meet again.
٣. فَوَدَّعتُهُم عِندَ التَفَرُّقِ ضاحِكاً
إِلَيها وَلَم أَعلَم بِأَن لا تَلاقِيا
4. Had I known it was our last meeting
I would have wept and made my beloved companion weep.
٤. وَلَو كُنتُ أَدري أَنَّهُ آخِرُ اللُقا
بَكَيتُ فَأَبكَيتُ الحَبيبَ المُوافِيا
5. It is love - its intensity cannot be hidden
And how can tears not show what was secret?
٥. هُوَ الحُبُّ لا تَخفي سَواكِنُ جِدَّهُ
وَكَيفَ وَيُبدي الدَمعُ ما كانَ خافِيا
6. They say Layla is a Nabataean healer -
And Layla made me love the outcasts.
٦. يَقولونَ لَيلى عِلجَةٌ نَبَطِيَّةٌ
وَقَد حَبَّبَت لَيلى إِلَيَّ المَوالِيا
7. I love the outcasts if they dwell in her land
But the outcasts have no claim on you, nor I.
٧. أَحَبُّ المَوالي إِن سَكَنتِ دِيارَهُم
وَما لِلمَوالي مِنكِ شَيءٌ وَلا لِيا
8. O Lord, if you make Layla my companion
I will always fast and pray.
٨. فَيا رَبِّ إِن صَيَّرتَ لَيلى ضَجيعَتي
أُطيلُ صِيامي دائِماً وَصَلاتِيا
9. O Layla’s cousin, if I complained of my misery
To a monk in his monastery, he would weep for me.
٩. بَني عَمِّ لَيلى لَو شَكَوتُ بَليَّتي
إِلى راهِبٍ في دَيرِهِ لَرَثى لِيا
10. When lovers moan in their death throes
I call on you, Layla, to answer my call.
١٠. إِذا ما تَداعى في الأَنينِ حَبائِبٌ
دَعوتُكِ لَيلى أَن تُجيبي دُعائِيا
11. So the doctor was no use with his cures
Nor the wise man who tried to heal me.
١١. فَلا نَفَعَ اللَهُ الطَبيبَ بِطِبِّهِ
وَلا أَرشَدَ اللَهُ الحَكيمَ المُداوِيا
12. I went to Layla’s father with my friends and women
And gathered a group from my countrymen
١٢. أَتَيتُ أَبا لَيلى بِصَحبي وَنِسوَتي
وَجَمَّعتُ جَمعاً مِن رِجالِ بِلادِيا
13. To ask him to soften his hard heart -
But he grew more stubborn and tried to kill me.
١٣. بِأَن يَتَخَلّى عَن قَساوَةِ قَلبِهِ
فَزادَ فِظاظاً ثُمَّ رامَ هَلاكِيا
14. Tell them what you see of my youth
And the tears that continually stream from me,
١٤. أَلا قُل لَهُم ما قَد تَرى مِن صَبابَتي
وَمِن أَدمُعِ تَنهَلُّ مِنّي تَوالِيا
15. And that for her sake I loved one who did not love me
And who the days make more and more my enemy,
١٥. وَمِن أَجلِها أَحبَبتُ مَن لا يَحُبُّني
وَمَن لا يَزالُ الدَهرُ فيها مُعادِيا
16. And that for her sake I kept company with people who were prejudiced
Against me and did not respect the rights of a neighbor.
١٦. وَمِن أَجلِها صاحَبتُ قَوماً تَعَصَّبوا
عَلَيَّ وَلَم يَرعُوا حُقوقَ جَوارِيا