
I do not stay up except to dispute separation

وما بت إلا خاصم البين حبها

1. I do not stay up except to dispute separation
Settled in an obedient and listening heart

١. وَما بِتُّ إِلّا خاصَمَ البَينَ حُبُّها
مَكينانِ مِن قَلبِ مُطيعٍ وَسامِعِ

2. Blessed is my Lord - how much there is to Layla when she leans down
The soul thereby gains relief from an opponent and intercessor

٢. تَبارَكَ رَبّي كَم لِلَيلى إِذا اِنتَحَت
بِها النَفسُ مِن خَصيمٍ وَشافِعِ