
Do you cry for Layla when your soul has taken

أتبكي على ليلى ونفسك باعدت

1. Do you cry for Layla when your soul has taken
Your grave far from Layla though you were neighbors

١. أَتَبكي عَلى لَيلى وَنَفسُكَ باعَدَت
مَزارَكَ مِن لَيلى وَشِعباكُما مَعا

2. So it's not good that you readily come to her
And are saddened that the young caller calls you both

٢. فَما حَسَنٌ أَن تَأتِيَ الأَمرَ طائِعاً
وَتَجزَعَ أَن داعي الصَبابَةَ أَسمَعا

3. Stop and bid farewell to Nejd and whoever lodged at Al-Hima
And tell Nejd that we seldom bid it farewell

٣. قِفا وَدِّعا نَجداً وَمَن حَلَّ بِالحِمى
وَقَلَّ لِنَجدٍ عِندَنا أَن يُوَدَّعا

4. And when I saw the messenger turn away from us
And the young ladies of yearning sighed with removal

٤. وَلَمّا رَأَيتُ البِشرَ أَعرَضَ دونَنا
وَجالَت بَناتُ الشَوقِ يَحنُنَّ نُزَّعا

5. I turned toward the neighborhood until I found myself
Hurt from listening, wishing and being tricked

٥. تَلَفَّتُ نَحوَ الحَيِّ حَتّى وَجَدتُني
وَجِعتُ مِنَ الإِصغاءِ ليتاً وَأُخدَعا

6. My left eye cried so when I rebuked it
For ignorance after wisdom, both poured down

٦. بَكَت عَينِيَ اليُسرى فَلَمّا زَجَرتُها
عَنِ الجَهلِ بَعدَ الحِلمِ أَسبَلَتا مَعا

7. And I remember the days of Al-Hima, then I leaned
On my liver fearing that it would crack

٧. وَأَذكُرُ أَيّامُ الحِمى ثُمَّ أَنثَني
عَلى كَبِدي مِن خِشيَةٍ أَن تَصَدَّعا

8. The evenings of Al-Hima do not go back
To you, but set your eyes free to tear

٨. فَلَيسَت عَشَيّاتِ الحِمى بِرَواجِعٍ
عَلَيكَ وَلَكِن خَلِّ عَينَيكَ تَدمَعا

9. With me, every young man who disobeyed his blamers
With the union of loves from of old they were raised

٩. مَعي كُلُّ غِرٍّ قَد عَصى عاذِلاتِهِ
بِوَصلِ الغَواني مِن لُدُن أَن تَرَعرَعا

10. When he walks in the two gowns, the watching eyes
Hastened to him, looking with anticipation

١٠. إِذا راحَ يَمشي في الرِداءَينِ أَسرَعَت
إِلَيهِ العُيونُ الناظِراتُ التَطَلُّعا