1. I love you, O Layla, with the love of an ardent lover
To whom all difficulties seem easy
١. أُحِبُّكِ يا لَيلى مَحَبَّةَ عاشِقٍ
عَلَيهِ جَميعُ المُصعِباتِ تَهونُ
2. I love you with a love, that if you loved like it
The passion that afflicted me would afflict you with madness
٢. أُحِبُّكِ حُبّاً لَو تُحِبّينَ مِثلَه
أَصابَكِ مِن وَجدٍ عَلَيَّ جُنونُ
3. Oh, have mercy on a miserable, tortured youth
Whose heart is grieved, consumed by love's fire
٣. أَلا فَاِرحَمي صَبّاً كَئيباً مُعَذَّباً
حَريقُ الحَشا مُضنى الفُؤادِ حَزينُ
4. Slain by passions - his day is weeping
And his night moaning
٤. قَتيلٌ مِنَ الأَشواقِ أَمّا نَهارُهُ
فَباكٍ وَأَمّا لَيلُهُ فَأَنينُ
5. He has tears that obsess me, and his heart has fires
And his eyelids pour tears from his eyes
٥. لَهُ عَبرَةٌ تَهمي وَنيرانُ قَلبُهُ
وَأَجفانُهُ تُذري الدُموعَ عُيونُ
6. Would that death came hastening
For love of singing girls is tempation
٦. فَيالَيتَ أَنَّ المَوتَ يَأتي مُعَجِّلاً
عَلى أَنَّ عِشقِ الغانِياتِ فُتونُ