
My two friends, this place knows well

خليلي هذا الربع أعلم آيه

1. My two friends, this place knows well
In God's name, linger a while here, then bid farewell

١. خَليلَيَّ هَذا الرَبعُ أَعلَمُ آيَهُ
فَبِاللَهِ عوجا ساعَةً ثُمَّ سَلِّما

2. Don't you know that I gave my love
To Layla, and that the rope is from her, frayed

٢. أَلَم تَعلَما أَنّي بَذَلتُ مَوَدَّتي
لِلَيلى وَأَنَّ الحَبلَ مِنها تَصَرَّما

3. I ask you both, by God, now that you have judged
Against me, you have taken on the judgment, so judge

٣. سَأَلتُكُما بِاللَهِ لَمّا قَضَيتُما
عَلَيَّ فَقَد وُلّيتُما الحُكمَ فَاِحكُما

4. By my generosity to Layla, by my love and her stinginess
Toward me - ask her which of us has been more unjust

٤. بِجودي عَلى لَيلى بِوُدّي وَبُخلِها
عَلَيَّ سَلاها أَيُّنا كانَ أَظلَما

5. I yearn for her whenever the dawn breaks
Like the Christians' love for Jesus son of Mary

٥. أَحِنُّ إِلَيها كُلَّما ذَرَّ شارِقٌ
كَحُبِّ النَصارى قُدسَ عيسى بنَ مَريَما

6. By God, by God I swear I speak the truth
Remembering you in my heart is nobler and greater

٦. فَوَاللَهِ ثُمَّ اللَهِ إِنّي لَصادِقٌ
لَذِكرُكِ في قَلبي أَجَلَّ وَأَعظَما

7. Your words are sweeter - know that if I attain them
To my soul than the coolness of a drink to the thirsty

٧. كَلامُكِ أَشهى فَاِعلَمي لَو أَنالُهُ
إِلى النَفسِ مِن بَردِ الشَرابِ عَلى الظَما

8. By God, I did not love your love out of vice
Nor did I love your love to do wrong

٨. وَوَاللَهِ ما أَحبَبتُ حُبَّكِ فَاِعلَمي
لِنُكرٍ وَلا أَحبَبتُ حُبَّكِ مَأثَما

9. The blamers have indeed blamed me much for you
And in what they have shown of blame, they were blamer

٩. لَقَد أَكثَرَ اللُوّامُ فيكِ مَلامَتي
وَكانوا لِما أَبدَوا مِنَ اللَومِ أَلوَما

10. Layla sent her messenger to me
To come to her in secret when the night is darkest

١٠. وَقَد أَرسَلَت لَيلى إِلَيَّ رَسولَها
بِأَن آتِنا سِرّاً إِذا اللَيلُ أَظلَما

11. So I came in fear and protected myself
Guarding against waking the enemies or sleepers

١١. فَجِئتُ عَلى خَوفٍ وَكُنتُ مُعَوِّذاً
أُحاذِرُ أَيقاظاً عُداةً وَنُوَّما

12. I stayed the night and she stayed - we had no worries
My friend, by God, nor did we violate anything forbidden

١٢. فَبِتُّ وَباتَت لَم نَهُمَّ بِريبَةٍ
وَلَم نَجتَرِح يا صاحِ وَاللَهِ مَحرَما

13. And how can I console my heart patiently about her
When she has caused an hidden illness in my heart

١٣. وَكَيفَ أُعَزّي القَلبَ عَنها تَجَلُّداً
وَقَد أَورَثَت في القَلبِ داءَ مُكَتَّما

14. For if she called a dove, it would answer her
And if she spoke to a corpse, then it would speak

١٤. فَلَو أَنَّها تَدعو الحَمامَ أَجابَها
وَلَو كَلَّمَت مَيتاً إِذاً لَتَكَلَّما

15. And if she touched a blind man with her palm
It would take away his blindness, soon he would return seeing

١٥. وَلَو مَسَحَت بِالكَفِّ أَعمى لَأَذهَبَت
عَماهُ وَشيكاً ثُمَّ عادَ بِلا عَمى

16. She is smooth-faced, capturing the forebearer with her face
Adorning herself with chastity and generosity

١٦. مُنَعَّمَةٌ تَسبي الحَليمَ بِوَجهِها
تَزَيَّنُ مِنها عِفَّةً وَتَكَرُّما

17. She is the one whose cure is for whoever has an illness from her
And from her the magician of all magic learned

١٧. فَتِلكَ الَّتي مَن كانَ داءً دَوائُهُ
وَهاروتُ كُلَّ السِحرِ مِنها تَعَلَّما