1. If you were to convey my words to her, she would surrender
She would wrap herself in sorrow as her tears flowed
١. وَإِنَّكَ لَو بَلَّغتَها قَولِيَ اِسلَمي
طَوَت حَزَناً وَاِرفَضَّ مِنها دُموعُها
2. Revealing the longing she hides in her chest
When my talk startles her and frightens her
٢. وَبانَ الَّذي تُخفي مِنَ الشَوقِ في الحَشى
إِذا هاجَها مِنّي حَديثٌ يَروعُها
3. She overflows, unable to control anything but her tears
Diminishing what remains of her life and its joys
٣. وَفاضَت فَلَم تَملِك سِوى فَيضِ عَبرَةٍ
وَقَلَّ لِباقي العَيشِ مِنها قُنوعُها
4. When the sun of daytime rises, greet her for me
My greeting to you is its rising
٤. إِذا طَلَعَت شَمسُ النَهارِ فَسَلِّمي
فَآيَةُ تَسليمي عَلَيكِ طُلوعُها
5. With ten greetings when the sun shines
And ten when it yellows and sets
٥. بِعَشرِ تَحِيّاتٍ إِذا الشَمسُ أَشرَقَت
وَعَشرٍ إِذا اِصفَرَّت وَحانَ وُقوعُها