
O callers of Layla by the hillside

أيا ناعيي ليلى بجانب هضبة

1. O callers of Layla by the hillside
Shouldn't he have called to me except for both of you

١. أَيا ناعِيَي لَيلى بِجانِبِ هَضبَةٍ
أَما كانَ يَنعاها إِلَيَّ سِواكُما

2. O callers of Layla by the hillside
After Layla, who wouldn't be bothered by both of you

٢. وَيا ناعِيَي لَيلى بِجانِبِ هَضبَةٍ
فَمَن بَعدِ لَيلى لا أُمِرَّت قُواكُما

3. O callers of Layla, you have mourned for us
The sorrows of Noah in the lands, both of you

٣. وَيا ناعِيَي لَيلى لَقَد هِجتُما لَنا
تَباريحَ نَوحٍ في الدِيارِ كِلاكُما

4. You have not lived except as allies of affliction
And you will not die until your affliction is prolonged

٤. فَلا عِشتُما إِلّا حَليفَي مُصيبَةٍ
وَلا مُتُّما حَتّى يَطولَ بَلاكَما

5. And the days have surrendered wonders in them
With your death, I love to return you

٥. وَأَسلَمَتِ الأَيّامُ فيها عَجائِباً
بِمَوتِكُما إِنّي أُحِبُّ رِداكُما

6. I think you do not know my affliction
It has come between union whenever I see you

٦. أَظُنُّكُما لا تَعلَمانِ مُصيبَتي
لَقَد حَلَّ بَينُ الوَصلِ فيما أَراكُما