1. The stars' ill omens do not bode ill for me,
Rather, good fortune lives in them at dawn.
١. فَما لِلنُجومِ الطالِعاتِ نُحوسُها
عَلَيَّ أَما فيها الغَداةَ سُعودُ
2. Oh, would that I had died of longing and sorrow
For your loss, O Leyla, while my heart endured!
٢. أَلا لَيتَني قَد مِتُّ شَوقاً وَوَحشَةً
بِفَقدِكِ لَيلى وَالفُؤادُ عَميدُ
3. And if you stay away, O night, how can I give up love for you?
Nay - my passion and desire are renewed.
٣. وَإِن تَبعُدي يا لَيلُ بِم أَسلُ عَنكُمُ
وَلَكِنَّ حُبّي وَالغَرامُ جَديدُ
4. And if you draw near, O night, while love is true,
It grows as it did once when we were parted.
٤. وَإِن تَقرُبي يا لَيلُ وَالحُبُّ صادِقٌ
كَما كانَ يَنمو وَالنَوالُ بَعيدُ
5. And if this separation has broken your promise,
My love for you till death only increases.
٥. وَإِن كانَ هَذا البُعدُ أُخلِفَ عَهدَكُم
فَحُبّي لَكُم حَتّى المَماتِ يَزيدُ