
They say Layla is faithful when absent

يقولون ليلى بالمغيب أمينة

1. They say Layla is faithful when absent
And I'm the one guarding her secret, and her confidant

١. يَقولونَ لَيلى بِالمَغيبِ أَمينَةٌ
وَإِنّي لَراعٍ سَرَّها وَأَمينُها

2. And the soul has moments when the memory of her revives it
Then it lives, and moments when it calms it

٢. وَلِلنَفسِ ساعاتٌ تَهَشُّ لِذِكرِها
فَتَحيا وَساعاتٌ لَها تَستَكينُها

3. If Layla has entrusted me with a trust
Then, by the life of Layla, I shall not betray her

٣. فَإِن تَكُ لَيلى اِستودَعَتني أَمانَةً
فَلا وَأَبي لَيلى إِذاً لا أَخونُها

4. Shall I please those who slander Layla, and seek
The generosity of my enemies through her and disgrace her?

٤. أَأُرضي بِلَيلى الكاشِحينَ وَأَبتَغي
كَرامَةَ أَعدائي بِها فَأُهينُها

5. It has been said she is a Christian, Malik's mother
So I said, leave every soul to its faith

٥. وَقَد قيلَ نَصرانِيَّةٌ أُمُّ مالِك
فَقُلتُ ذَروني كُلُّ نَفسٍ وَدينُها

6. If she is a Christian, Malik's mother
She is pictured in an image that does not disgrace her

٦. فَإِن تَكُ نَصرانِيَّةٌ أُمُّ مالِك
فَقَد صُوِّرَت في صورَةٍ لا تَشينُها

7. God forbid that the enemies gloat over Layla
Even if she does not reward me for my faith in her

٧. مَعاذَةَ وَجهِ اللَهَ أَن أَشمِتَ العِدا
بِلَيلى وَإِن لَم تَجزِني ما أَدينُها

8. I will make my honor a shield around her honor
And my faith, and Layla's honor and her faith will remain

٨. سَأَجعَلُ عِرضي جُنَّةً دونَ عِرضِها
وَديني فَيَبقى عِرضُ لَيلى وَدينُها

9. A questioner asked: Can time bring ease?
I said: Yes, now is its time

٩. وَقائِلَةٍ هَل يُحدِثُ الدَهرُ سُلوَةً
فَقُلتُ بَلى هَذا فَقَد حانَ حينُها

10. Attach the rope that carries all else, for only
Its thick will annoy you because of the meagreness of things

١٠. صِلي الحَبلَ يَحمِل ما سَواهُ فَإِنَّما
يُغَظّي عَلى غَثِّ الأُمورِ سَمينُها

11. I advised Layla sincerely until it was as if
I, without sharing her Lord, was most religiously devoted to her

١١. بَذَلتُ لِلَيلى النُصحَ حَتّى كَأَنَّني
بِها غَيرَ إِشراكٍ بِرَبّي أَدينُها

12. If only, whenever I was absent from her a night
Or a day, her eyes would see me

١٢. فَيا لَيتَ أَنّي كُلَّما غِبتُ لَيلَةً
مِنَ الدَهرِ أَو يَوماً تَراني عُيونُها

13. To acquit my vows when I meet her
And Layla would know that I do not betray her

١٣. لِأُبرِئَ أَيماني إِذا ما لَقيتُها
وَتَعلَمُ لَيلى أَنَّني لا أَخونُها