1. I see Laila's people have left me lovesick,
And I have none but Laila to heal me in the morning.
١. أَرى أَهلَ لَيلى أَورَثوني صَبابَةً
وَمالي سِوى لَيلى الغَداةَ طَبيبُ
2. When they see me, they show me affection,
Yet they are like Indian swords when I am absent.
٢. إِذا ما رَأَوني أَظهَروا لي مَوَدَّةً
وَمِثلُ سُيوفِ الهِندِ حينَ أَغيبُ
3. If they prevent my eyes from seeing her, who can prevent
My heart that lies between my ribs and breast?
٣. فَإِن يَمنَعوا عَينَيَّ مِنها فَمَن لَهُم
بِقَلبٍ لَهُ بَينَ الضُلوعِ وَجيبُ
4. If my longing for you, O Laila, is an aberration
And a sin against your family in your opinion,
٤. إِن كانَ يا لَيلى اِشتِياقي إِلَيكُمُ
ضَلالاً وَفي بُرئي لِأَهلِكِ حوبُ
5. Then I have not repented of any sin if I repent not from you,
For all men err and make mistakes.
٥. فَما تُبتُ مِن ذَنبٍ إِذا تُبتُ مِنكُمُ
وَما الناسُ إِلّا مُخطِئٌ وَمُصيبُ
6. I risk my soul and family if, when faced
With some harm, I know not how to respond.
٦. بِنَفسي وَأَهلي مَن إِذا عَرَضوا لَهُ
بِبَعضِ الأَذى لَم يَدرِ كَيفَ يُجيبُ
7. Neither making excuses of the innocent, nor ceasing
To be suspected until I am called "deluded."
٧. وَلَم يَعتَذِر عُذرَ البَريءِ وَلَم يَزَل
بِهِ سَكنَةٌ حَتّى يُقالَ مُريبُ
8. Neither does my soul find solace in distance and so incline toward me,
Nor is it content without what it cannot obtain.
٨. فَلا النَفسُ يُسليها البُعادُ فَتَنثَني
وَلا هِيَ عَمّا لا تَنالُ تَطيبُ
9. How many sighs of mine, if they shone on the sea,
Would dry it up, so hot they are and aflame!
٩. وَكَم زَفرَةٍ لي لَو عَلى البَحرِ أَشرَقَت
لَأَنشَفَهُ حَرٌّ لَها وَلَهيبُ
10. And if what is in me were split into pebbles and cast into the wind,
Their fervor would be heard though they made no sound.
١٠. وَلَو أَنَّ ما بي بِالحَصى فُلِقَ الحَصى
وَبِالريحِ لَم يُسمَع لَهُنَّ هُبوبُ
11. The burning passion I suffer gives me agony
Between my skin and bones.
١١. وَأَلقى مِنَ الحُبِّ المُبَرِّحِ لَوعَةً
لَها بَينَ جِلدي وَالعِظامِ دَبيبُ