1. For I am pleased, O nights, with what
Were the watcher to realize it, his nightingales would fall silent,
١. وَإِنّي لَأَرضى مِنكِ يا لَيُ بِالَّذي
لَوَ اَيقَنَهُ الواشي لَقَرَّت بَلابِلُه
2. With neither the ability nor the means, and with the wish
Until the waiting tires the one who waits,
٢. بِلا وَبِأَن لا أَستَطيعُ وَبِالمُنى
وَبِالوَعدِ حَتّى يَسأَمَ الوَعدُ آمِلُه
3. With the fleeting glance and the time that passes
We do not meet at its end or its beginning.
٣. بِالنَظرَةِ العَجلى وَبِالحَولِ يَنقَضي
أَواخِرُهُ لا نَلتَقي وَأَوائِلُه