
The enemy says, may God not bless the enemy

تقول العدا لا بارك الله في العدا

1. The enemy says, may God not bless the enemy
He fell short of Laila, and his means have become depleted

١. تَقولُ العِدا لا بارَكَ اللَهُ في العِدا
تَقاصَرَ عَن لَيلى وَرَثَّت وَسائِلُه

2. And if Laila were to walk with a cane in the morning
The beginnings of love for Laila would be renewed

٢. وَلَو أَصبَحَت لَيلى تَدِبُّ عَلى العَصا
لَكانَ هَوى لَيلى جَديداً أَوائِلُه