1. O likeness of Layla, do not shy away, for today
Among the beasts, I am your friend
١. أَيا شِبهَ لَيلى لا تُراعي فَإِنَّني
لَكِ اليَومَ مِن بَينِ الوُحوشِ صَديقُ
2. And O likeness of Layla, shorten your steps, for if
You draw near me, I am fit
٢. وَيا شِبهَ لَيلى أَقصِرِ الخِطوَ إِنَّني
بِقُربِكِ إِن ساعَفتِني لَخَليقُ
3. And O likeness of Layla, give me back my heart, for it
Has a constant flutter and lightnings
٣. وَيا شِبهَ لَيلى رُدَّ قَلبي فَإِنَّهُ
لَهُ خَفَقانٌ دائِمٌ وَبُروقُ
4. And O her likeness, you recalled one not forgetful
And ignited fires that have a raging blaze
٤. وَيا شِبهَها أَذكَرتَ مَن لَيسَ ناسِياً
وَأَشعَلتَ نيراناً لَهُنَّ حَريقُ
5. And O likeness of Layla, if you lingered an hour
Perhaps my heart from its stupor would awaken
٥. وَيا شِبهَ لَيلى لَو تَلَبَّثتَ ساعَةً
لَعَلَّ فُؤادي مِن جَواهُ يُفيقُ
6. And O likeness of Layla, you will remain in a garden
Upon you a constant cloud and lightnings
٦. وَيا شِبهَ لَيلى لَن تَزالَ بِرَوضَةٍ
عَلَيكَ سَحابٌ دائِمٌ وَبُروقُ
7. So how can I, when I resembled her but did not repent
To her in life, be safe and affectionate?
٧. فَما أَنا إِذ أَشبَهتُها ثُمَّ لَم تَؤُب
سَليماً عَلَيها في الحَياةِ شَفيقُ
8. You are emancipated, so give thanks for Layla's blessing
For if you give thanks, you are free towards Layla
٨. عُتِقتِ فَأَدّي شِكرَ لَيلى بِنِعمَةٍ
فَأَنتِ لِلَيلى إِن شَكَرتِ طَليقُ
9. Your eyes are her eyes, your cheek her cheek
Except that your shinbone is delicate
٩. فَعَيناكِ عَيناها وَجيدُكِ جيدُها
سِوى أَنَّ عَظمَ الساقِ مِنكِ دَقيقُ
10. And God's lands, O mother of Malik
Almost narrowed on me due to your breadth
١٠. وَكادَت بِلادُ اللَهِ يا أُمَّ مالِكٍ
بِما رَحُبَت مِنكُم عَلَيَّ تَضيقُ
11. It reminds me of our first days of union
That have passed upon us while time flows
١١. يُذَكِّرُني لِلوَصلِ أَيّامَنا الأُلى
مَرَرنَ عَلَينا وَالزَمانُ وَريقُ
12. I avert my gaze from you, and none has a right
Over anyone except you have a way
١٢. أَرُدُّ سَواءَ الطَرفِ عَنكِ وَما لَهُ
عَلى أَحَدٍ إِلّا عَلَيكِ طَريقُ
13. Perhaps if we performed hajj, we may see Umm Mālik
And the two palm trees bring us together in the strait
١٣. عَسى إِن حَجَجنا أَن نَرى أُمَّ مالِكٍ
وَيَجمَعَنا بِالنَخلَتَينِ مَضيقُ
14. The soul yearns for you, then I restrain it
Out of shyness, and the shy person has a right
١٤. تَتوقُ إِلَيكِ النَفسُ ثُمَّ أَرُدُّها
حَياءً وَمِثلي بِالحَياءِ حَقيقُ
15. If you knew the unseen, you would be certain that I
By the Lord of the scented gifts, am a loyal friend
١٥. وَلَو تَعلَمينَ الغَيبَ أَيقَنتِ أَنَّني
وَرَبِّ الهَدايا المُشعِراتِ صَديقُ
16. Ask whether a tribe whose company I kept
Or a journey whose companion I was slandered me
١٦. سَلي هَل قَلاني مِن عَشيرٍ صَحِبتُهُ
وَهَل ذَمَّ رَحلي في الرِفاقِ رَفيقُ