1. I yearn for the land of Hejaz though my need
Is but tents in Najd which my eyes find too short
١. أَحِنُّ إِلى أَرضِ الحِجازِ وَحاجَتي
خِيامٌ بِنَجدٍ دونَها الطَرفُ يَقصُرُ
2. Yet my sight turns not to Najd for my benefit
Nay, but to that place I keep looking athwart
٢. وَما نَظَري مِن نَحوِ نَجدٍ بِنافِعي
أَجَل لا وَلَكِنّي عَلى ذاكَ أَنظُرُ
3. Each day a moral, then a glance follows it
Your eyes, their water flows streaming in thought
٣. أَفي كُلِّ يَومٍ عَبرَةٌ ثُمَّ نَظرَةٌ
لَعَينِكَ يَجري ماؤُها يَتَحَدَّرُ
4. When will my heart find rest, either dwelling nearby
Grieved, or departing, reminiscing, distraught
٤. مَتى يَستَريحُ القَلبُ إِمّا مُجاوِرٌ
حَزينٌ وَإِمّا نازِحٌ يَتَذَكَّرُ
5. They say how abundant the tears of his eyes
For them endless tears that keep streaming pour out
٥. يَقولونَ كَم تَجري مَدامِعُ عَينِهِ
لَها الدَهرَ دَمعٌ واكِفٌ يَتَحَدَّرُ
6. But it's not the water that flows from his eyes
It's a soul melting, dissolving, dripping about
٦. وَلَيسَ الَّذي يَجري مِنَ العَينِ ماؤُها
وَلَكِنَّها نَفسٌ تَذوبُ وَتَقطُرُ