1. May God let affection flow between us
And join a rope of yours to my ropes
١. عَسى اللَهُ أَن يُجري المَوَدَّةَ بَينَنا
وَيوصِلَ حَبلاً مِنكُمُ بِحِبالِيا
2. How many dear friends have parted
In time when meetings grew too long
٢. فَكَم مِن خَليلَي جَفوَةٍ قَد تَقاطَعا
عَلى الدَهرِ لَمّا أَن أَطالا التَلاقِيا
3. Yet I'm in distress while you're my confidante
Your state in description has parted from mine
٣. وَإِنّي لَفي كَربٍ وَأَنتِ خَلِيَّةٌ
لَقَد فارَقَت في الوَصفِ حالُكِ حالِيا
4. I blamed you but you didn't blame me with affection
I hinted but you didn't oblige me by asking
٤. عَتِبتُ فَما أَعتَبتِني بِمَوَدَّةٍ
وَرُمتِ فَما أَسعَفتِني بِسُؤالِيا