1. Behold! The dwellings of Layla al-Aamiriyyah are now in ruins,
Her ropes tied fast to none but the men of Thaqif,
١. أَلا إِنَّ لَيلى العامِريَّةَ أَصبَحَت
تَقَطَّعُ إِلّا مِن ثَقيفٍ حِبالُها
2. When she turns her eyes with the owl wary of open spaces,
To a palm-tree, sadness veils her state,
٢. إِذا اِلتَفَتَت وَالعيسُ صُعرٌ مِنَ البُرى
بِنَخلَةَ غَشَّ عَبرَةَ العَينِ حالُها
3. They have imprisoned her in bodily incarceration, while
Men have sought wealth through her, Oh! How paltry her wealth!
٣. فَهُم حَبَسوها مَحبَسَ البُدنِ وَاِبتَغى
بِها المالَ أَقوامٌ أَلا قَلَّ مالُها
4. My two friends! Is there a cunning you know,
That might let us steal speech with Layla through her guile?
٤. خَليلَيَّ هَل مِن حيلَةٍ تَعلَمانِها
يُدَنّي لَنا تَكليمَ لَيلى اِحتِيالُها
5. For if you know it not, you are not
The first to need what you cannot attain,
٥. فَإِن أَنتُما لَم تَعلَماها فَلَستُما
بِأَوَّلَ باغٍ حاجَةً لا يَنالُها
6. As if the party who abused her
Were a summer cloud routed by its driving wind,
٦. كَأَنَّ مَعَ الرَكبِ الَّذينَ اِغتَدوا بِها
غَمامَةُ صَيفٍ زَعزَعَتها شَمالُها
7. I looked out on the overflowing torrent at dawn, as they departed,
Skirting the meadows edge, her family,
٧. نَظَرتُ بِمُفضى سَيلِ جَوشَينِ إِذ غَدوا
تَخُبُّ بِأَطرافِ المَخارِمِ آلُها
8. Solace for sorrows saluted her longing
At the parting of friends, then their departure.
٨. بِشافِيَةِ الأَحزانِ حَيَّجَ شَوقَها
مُجامَعَةُ الأُلّافِ ثُمَّ زِيالُها