1. Did he who dragged away my noble she-camel maim her,
While my abode was spacious for the guest's repose?
١. أَأَعقَرَ مَن جَرّا كَريمَةَ ناقَتي
وَوَصلِيَ مَفروشٌ لِوَصلِ مُنازِلِ
2. When the anklets were excited I was not
At peace, while ceaselessly called those anklets.
٢. إِذا جاءَ قَعقَعنَ الحُلِيَّ وَلَم أَكُن
إِذا جِئتُ أَرضي صَوتَ تِلكَ الخَلاخِلِ
3. The milch-camels of Iraq were not soothed by the tinkling,
And the men tall in stature by (the clashing) of the qalansuwa.
٣. وَلَم تُغنِ سيجانُ العِراقَينِ نَقرَةً
وَرُقشُ القَلَنسى بِالرِجالِ الأَطاوِلِ
4. My cloak and fair display give me no joy,
Nor my people and family, noble and glorious.
٤. وَلَم تُغنِ عَنّي بُردَتي وَتَجَمُّلي
وَقَومي وَنَسلي مِن كِرامٍ أَفاضِلِ
5. Whenever we vie with them in shooting our arrows hit the target,
And if we hurl a pebble at it, it is one right on the mark.
٥. مَتى ما اِنتَضَلنا بِالسِهامِ نَضَلتُهُ
وَإِن نَرمِ رَشقاً عِندَها فَهوَ ناضِلي
6. Yet I grieve that she turns away,
Little care have I for life - death will surely find me.
٦. وَإِنِّيَ مِن إِعراضِها مُتَأَلِّمٌ
قَليلُ العَزا وَالصَدُّ لا شَكَّ قاتِلي