
The days are short and her companion desires her,

وقصيرة الأيام ود جليسها

1. The days are short and her companion desires her,
If he sold their time together he'd grieve the loss,

١. وَقَصيرَةِ الأَيامِ وَدَّ جَليسُها
لَو باعَ مَجلِسَها بِفَقدِ حَميمِ

2. For the pain of love is like arrows in my brother's heart
Sent by a coquettish singer with languid eyes.

٢. مِن مُحذِياتِ أَخي الهَوى غُصَصَ الجَوى
بِدَلالِ غانِيَةٍ وَمُقلَةِ ريمِ

3. She is yellow as desert cattle, as if
Modesty has left upon her its feeble cloak.

٣. صَفراءُ مِن بَقَرِ الجِواءِ كَأَنَّما
تَرَكَ الحَياءُ بِها رُداعَ سَقيمِ