
Alas! Layla is veiled from me and her lord is averse,

ألا حجبت ليلى وآلى أميرها

1. Alas! Layla is veiled from me and her lord is averse,
Swearing to me never to let me visit her.

١. أَلا حُجِبَت لَيلى وَآلى أَميرُها
عَلَيَّ يَميناً جاهِداً لا أَزورُها

2. Yet I was promised her by men of high repute,
Her father and mine, though their hearts have since hardened.

٢. وَأَوعَدَني فيها رِجالٌ أَبَرَّهُم
أَبي وَأَبوها خُشِّنَت لي صُدورُها

3. For no reason but that I love her,
And my heart is captive to Layla.

٣. عَلى غَيرِ شَيءٍ غَيرَ أَنّي أُحِبُّها
وَأَنَّ فُؤادي عِندَ لَيلى أَسيرُها

4. When she inclines to intimacy, my heart inclines to her charm,
Following wherever her beauty leads.

٤. وَأَنّي إِذا حَنَّت إِلى الإِلفِ إِلفُها
هَفا بِفُؤادي حَيثُ حَنَّت سُحورُها