
I called on my God a call He knew not of

دعوت إلهي دعوة ما جهلتها

1. I called on my God a call He knew not of
And my Lord is seeing of what hearts conceal

١. دَعَوتُ إِلَهي دَعوَةً ما جَهِلتَها
وَرَبّي بِما تَخفى الصُدورُ بَصيرُ

2. If the cooling of their fangs is guided aright
By it, I'm poorer than the poorest wretch

٢. لَإِن كانَ يُهدى بَردَ أَنيابِها العُلا
لِأَفقَرَ مِنّي إِنَّني لَفَقيرُ

3. Rumors have spread that you have wed
Will any herald bring me news of divorce?

٣. فَقَد شاعَتِ الأَخبارُ أَن قَد تَزَوَّجَت
فَهَل يَأتِيَنّي بِالطَلاقِ بَشيرُ