1. Had I visited God's house and then saw her
At its doors where its doves took refuge
١. فَلَو زُرتُ بَيتَ اللَهَ ثُمَّ رَأَيتُها
بِأَبوابِهِ حَيثُ اِستَجارَت حَمامُها
2. Her clothes would have touched mine if I could reach her clothes
And its sanctity would not have prevented me from touching them
٢. لَمَسَّت ثِيابي إِن قَدِرتُ ثِيابَها
وَلَم يَنهَني عَن مَسِّهِنَّ حَرامُها
3. And had she attended my death when the intoxications of death
Rendered me speechless
٣. وَلَو شَهِدَتني حينَ تَحضُرُ ميتَتي
جَلا سَكَراتِ المَوتِ عَنّي كَلامُها
4. The lovers before us were like that
When she died, her passions haunted them
٤. كَذَلِكَ ما كانَ المُحِبّونَ قَبلَنا
إِذا ماتَ مَوتاها تُزاوَرَ هامُها
5. I wish we could live together, for if I die
My bones will lie beside her bones in the grave
٥. فَيا لَيتَنا نَحيا جَميعاً فَإِن نَمُت
تُجاوِرُ في الهَلكى عِظامي عِظامُها
6. In the enclosure, a fair-faced child
Alluring, whose smile captivates the forbearing
٦. وَفي الظَعنِ بَيضاءُ العَوارِضِ طَفلَةٌ
مُنَعَّمَةٌ يَسبي الحَليمَ اِبتِسامُها
7. If I moved to kiss her she would turn away
Like the shy rising sun, though her bridle rang
٧. إِذا سُمتُها التَقبيلَ صَدَّت وَأَعرَضَت
صُدودَ شَموسِ الخَيلِ صَلَّ لِجامُها
8. She bit her thumb, then signaled with her eyes
"I fear eyes will steal my sleep"
٨. وَعَضَّت عَلى إِبهامِها ثُمَّ أَومَأَت
أَخافُ عُيوناً أَن تَهُبَّ نِيامُها