1. O people who have slandered us unjustly!
By God, virtue cannot be obtained through vice.
١. أَلا أَيُّها القَومُ الَّذينَ وَشَوا بِنا
عَلى غَيلا ما تَقوى الإِلَهُ وَلا بِرِّ
2. Will not your piety stop you from this mischief, so you refrain?
Or are you a people inherently inclined to disbelief?
٢. أَلا يَنهَكُم عَنّا تُقاكُم فَتَنتَهوا
أَمَ اَنتُم أُناسٌ قَد جُبِلتُم عَلى الكُفرِ
3. Come, let us stand in two ranks, ours and yours,
And call upon the God of all people in the early dawn.
٣. تَعالوا نَقِف صَفَّينِ مِنّا وَمِنكُمُ
وَنَدعو إِلَهَ الناسِ في وَضَحِ الفَجرِ
4. On whoever speaks falsely or seeks evil
And whoever accuses the innocent, not knowing.
٤. عَلى مَن يَقولُ الزورَ أَو يَطلُبُ الخَنا
وَمَن يَقذِفُ الخَودَ الحَصانَ وَلا يَدري
5. I swear by the one to whom the Quraysh prayed
And circled at Mina on the day of departure and sacrifice.
٥. حَلِفتُ بِمَن صَلَّت قُرَيشٌ وَجَمَّرَت
لَهُ بِمِنىً يَومَ الإِفاضَةِ وَالنَحرِ
6. They did not shave the head of any schemer
On the tenth morning of the passed month.
٦. وَما حَلَقوا مِن رَأسِ كُلِّ مُلَبِّئٍ
صَبيحَةَ عَشرٍ قَد مَضَينَ مِنَ الشَهرِ
7. My steed has indeed become on this day
Pure, cleansed from lewdness and evil.
٧. لَقَد أَصبَحَت مِنّي حَصاناً بَريئَةً
مُطَهَّرَةً لَيلى مِنَ الفُحشِ وَالنُكرِ
8. Of the white noble horses, she knows no sin,
Nor has she been covered after her rest at night.
٨. مِنَ الخَفِراتِ البيضِ لَم تَدرِ ما الخَنا
وَلَم تُلفَ يَوماً بَعدَ هَجعَتِها تَسري
9. None of the people have heard of her like,
Nor has she appeared on the day of Adha or Fitr.
٩. وَلا سَمِعوا مِن سائِرِ الناسِ مِثلَها
وَلا بَرَزَت في يَومِ أُضحى وَلا فِطرِ
10. Dazzling as the sun on the day it rises,
Luxuriant, she has never stepped uncomfortably.
١٠. بَرَهرَهَةٌ كَالشَمسِ في يَومِ صَحوِها
مُنَعَّمَةٌ لَم تَخطُ شِبراً مِنَ الخِدرِ
11. She is the full moon in beauty, and women are like stars,
So different between stars and the full moon.
١١. هِيَ البَدرُ حُسناً وَالنِساءُ كَواكِبٌ
فَشَتّانَ ما بَينَ الكَواكِبِ وَالبَدرِ
12. They say, a madman, crazed with her mention,
By God, there is in me no madness or sorcery.
١٢. يَقولونَ مَجنونٌ يَهيمُ بِذِكرِها
وَوَاللَهِ ما بي مِن جُنونٍ وَلا سِحرِ
13. If I compose poetry without mentioning her,
My poetry refuses to obey me.
١٣. إِذا ما قَرَضتُ الشِعرَ في غَيرِ ذِكرِها
أَبي وَأَبيكُم أَن يُطاوِعَني شِعري
14. So there is no life for me after her, and I will not live after her,
And may the world last for us until the gathering.
١٤. فَلا نَعِمَت بَعدي وَلا عِشتُ بَعدَها
وَدامَت لَنا الدُنيا إِلى مُلتَقى الحَشرِ
15. Upon her is the peace of God, from one of youthfulness,
And youth busied with worries and thoughts.
١٥. عَليها سَلامُ اللَهِ مِن ذي صَبابَةٍ
وَصَبٍّ مُعَنّى بِالوَساوِسِ وَالفِكرِ
16. May God water days for us never to return,
And watering for the flourishing Abbasid era from an era.
١٦. سَقى اللَهُ أَيّاماً لَنا لَسنَ رُجَّعاً
وَسَقياً لِعَصرِ العامِرِيَّةِ مِن عَصرِ
17. Nights I gave idleness my reins,
Nights and years pass and I know not.
١٧. لَيالِيَ أَعطَيتُ البِطالَةَ مِقوَدي
تَمُرُّ اللَيالي وَالسُنونَ وَلا أَدري
18. There has passed me a time, if I were given choice
Between it, and my life forever until end of time,
١٨. مَضى لي زَمانٌ لَو أُخَيَّرُ بَينَهُ
وَبَينَ حَياتي خالِداً أَبَدَ الدَهرِ
19. I would say, "Leave me an hour with its words
About the heedless, then cut off my life."
١٩. لَقُلتُ ذَروني ساعَةً وَكَلامَها
عَلى غَفلَةِ الواشينَ ثُمَّ اِقطَعوا عُمري