
The morning breeze passes gently by the abode of him who is angry with me,

تمر الصبا صفحا بساكن ذي الغضى

1. The morning breeze passes gently by the abode of him who is angry with me,
And my heart quakes that its passing might stir him.

١. تَمُرُّ الصَبا صَفحاً بِساكِنِ ذي الغَضى
وَيَصدَعُ قَلبي أَن يَهُبَّ هُبوبُها

2. When the north wind blows, it only brings me
Tidings of the south wind's gift to me.

٢. إِذا هَبَّتِ الريحُ الشَمالُ فَإِنَّما
جَوايَ بِما تَهدي إِلَيَّ جُنوبُها

3. The days with my beloved seem so recent,
For every soul yearns where its beloved may be.

٣. قَريبَةُ عَهدٍ بِالحَبيبِ وَإِنَّما
هَوى كُلَّ نَفسٍ حَيثُ كانَ حَبيبُها

4. The nights were enough to lay you down in a faraway house,
Where you spend the evening a stranger.

٤. وَحَسبُ اللَيالي أَن طَرَحنَكِ مَطرَحاً
بِدارِ قِلىً تُمسي وَأَنتَ غَريبُها

5. It is lawful for Layla to revile us and belittle us.
Congrats - Layla's sins are forgiven.

٥. حَلالٌ لِلَيلى شَتمُنا وَاِنتِقاصُنا
هَنيئاً وَمَغفورٌ لِلَيلى ذُنوبُها