
Night shepherds, what did the morn do,

رعاة الليل ما فعل الصباح

1. Night shepherds, what did the morn do,
And what did its early hours brew,

١. رُعاةَ اللَيلِ ما فَعَلَ الصَباحُ
وَما فَعَلَت أَوائِلُهُ المِلاحُ

2. And what of those who stole my heart,
Did they stay or has the wind blown through,

٢. وَما بالُ الَّذينَ سَبوا فُؤادي
أَقاموا أَم أَجَدَّ بِهِم رَواحُ

3. And what of stars hung in the sky,
No comfort for a young man's cry,

٣. وَما بالُ النُجومِ مُعَلَّقاتٌ
بِقَلبِ الصَبِّ لَيسَ لَها بَراحُ

4. As if my heart was told one night,
"With Layla you'll soon fly,

٤. كَأَنَّ القَلبَ لَيلَةَ قيلَ يُغدى
بِلَيلى العامِرِيَّةِ أَو يُراحُ

5. Or you will rest with ease in sight",
A she-cat, her companion lost,

٥. قَطاةٌ عَزَّها شَرَكٌ فَباتَت
تُجاذِبُهُ وَقَد عَلِقَ الجَناحُ

6. Clings to him as their love embossed,
Two chicks left in the barren cold,

٦. لَها فَرخانِ قَد تُرِكا بِقَفرٍ
وَعُشُّهُما تُصَفِّقُهُ الرِياحُ

7. Their nest the winds had tossed,
Hearing the winds bluster and scold,

٧. إِذا سَمِعا هُبوبَ الريحِ هَبّا
وَقالا أُمَّنا تَأتي الرَواحُ

8. "Mother comes", they cried being told,
No comfort she found in the night,

٨. فَلا بِلَّيلِ نالَت ما تُرَجّي
وَلا في الصُبحِ كانَ لَها بَراحُ

9. Nor solace in the morn's gold,
Night shepherds, be as you might,

٩. رُعاةَ اللَيلِ كونوا كَيفَ شِئتُم
فَقَد أَودى بِيَ الحُبُّ المُتاحُ