1. The dwellings of Darras have saddened and wearied me
I ask them about those I knew, but they are silent
١. شَجَتني وَأَبلَتني مَنازِلُ دُرَّسُ
أُسائِلُها عَمَّن عَهِدتُ وَتَخرَسُ
2. And my covenant with them was studded with wonders
The full moons and suns used to shine with their singing
٢. وَعَهدي بِها مَحفوفَةٌ بِبَدائِعٍ
تَحُلُّ بِمَغناها بُدورٌ وَأَشمُسُ
3. The swinging hammocks, the sick eyes
To them would yearn the monk in his ragged clothes
٣. رَواجِحُ أَكفالٍ مَريضاتُ أَعيُنٍ
إِلَيهِنَّ يَصبو الراهِبَ المُتَنَطِّسُ